

作者: 溜溜达达走走 | 来源:发表于2019-03-20 01:10 被阅读0次

虽然埃隆和金巴尔都拒绝透露更多的细节,但这些年与父亲共同生活的经历无疑是刻骨铭心的while elon and kimbal declined to provide a exact recounting , they clearly experienced something awful and profound during those years with his father .他们都谈到了要忍受某种形式的精神折磨they talked about having to endure some form of psychological torture .他身体里有着某种重要的化学物质he has  definitely a  serious chemical stuff ,金巴尔说:并且肯定遗传给我和埃隆了kimbal said :which i am sure i and elon  have inherited  .这令我们的成长过程在情绪方面极具挑战性,但也造就了今天的我们it was a emotionally challenging upbringing  .it make us who we are today.当被问到关于艾洛尔的话题时,梅椰总是怒从中来 meya bristled  

when the subject of errol came up.没有人能和他和睦相处he was  nice to nobady 我不想说谎,因为那太可怕了i didn't want to tell stories  because they  are horrendous。我不想谈论那些,因为这会影响我的儿子和孙子,you konw ,you  really didn't talk about it  ,there are son and grandson involved

当我们请他聊聊埃隆的事情的时候,艾洛尔通过邮件回复道when we ask him to chat about elon, errol replied a email 


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