3dmax 将面片模型投射到曲面

3dmax 将面片模型投射到曲面

作者: Rayson | 来源:发表于2023-09-26 09:43 被阅读0次





    Created: 2008-12-29
    Last Updated: 2011-10-11
    Version: 3
    Author: Klaas Nienhuis, mail@klaasnienhuis.nl, www.klaasnienhuis.nl
    Version: 3ds max 2010
        This script aligns shapes or poly's and vertices of shapes or poly'sto a mesh. It projects the vertices in the z-axis to the mesh
        If there's no mesh, the vertex isn't moved. Bezier handles are are projected on a virtual plane constructed by the normal
        of the intersected point on the plane. 
        Run the script. In the GUI, pick the mesh you want to project on. You can project the entire shape/poly or only the selected vertices
        You can also align the vertices to the ground-plane
        2009-07-30:     Heavily edited the script
        It will align vertices to a mesh-object and it's normals. It will take a mesh-object by picking one in the viewport. Preferrably a patch with smooth surfaces.
        The quality of the align depends on the density of the vertices, but both the vertex as well as the tangents will be aligned.
        You can also align to the groundplane.
        The script aligns selected vertices or entire shapes
        2011-10-11: made the script for public release and cleaned it up a lot.
    global roll_AlignVertexToMesh
    try(destroyDialog roll_AlignVertexToMesh)catch()
    function fn_planeLineIntersect planePoint planeNormal linePoint lineVector = 
            calculates the intersection of a line with a plane. Both plane and line are described by
            a point and a vector
            <point3> planePoint: a point on the plane
            <point3> planeNormal: The normal of the plane
            <point3> linePoint: a point on the line
            <point3> lineVector: the vector of the line
            <point3> A position
        local lineVector=normalize lineVector
        local d1=dot (planePoint-linePoint) planeNormal
        local d2=dot lineVector planeNormal
        if abs(d2)<.0000000754 then ( if abs(d1)>.0000000754 then 0 else -1 )
            else ( linePoint + ( (d1/d2)*lineVector ) )
    function fn_getAllKnots theSpline =
            Get all knots in a splineshape.
            <splineShape> theSpline: A splineShape to get all the knots from.
            <array> an array of bitarrays with the indices of all vertices
        local myKnots = #()
        --iterate over the splines in the splineshape
        for n = 1 to numsplines theSpline do
            local arrIdx = (for i = 1 to numKnots theSpline n collect i) as bitArray --collect all vertex indices in a bitArray
            append myKnots arrIdx
    function fn_getKnotSelection theSpline =
            get the selected vertices in a splineshape
            <splineShape> theSpline: A splineShape to get all the knots from.
            <array> an array of bitarrays with the indices of all vertices
        local myKnots = #()
        --iterate over the splines in the splineshape
        for n = 1 to numsplines theSpline do append myKnots ((getKnotSelection theSpline n) as bitArray) --append the bitarray with the selected vertices
    function fn_transformShapeVertexBitArray theVertexBitArray theSpline theAlignObject: useGroundPlane:false =
            move points and it's bezierhandles to a plane
            <array> theVertexBitArray: an array of bitarrays describing the indices of the vertices which have to be moved
            <splineShape> theSpline: the spline which has to be transformed
            <meshObject> theAlignObject: the object used to transform the vertices to.
            <boolean> useGroundPlane: true: transform the vertices to z=0 false: use theAlignObject to project the vertices on
            the input shape is edited
        for intIndexSpline = 1 to theVertexBitArray.count do --first iterate over the array. There's one array for every spline
            for intIndexKnot in theVertexBitArray[intIndexSpline] do --secondly: iterate over every vertex
                setKnotType theSpline intIndexSpline intIndexKnot #bezierCorner --makes the editing of the tangents easier
                --do the intersection
                local myKnot = getKnotPoint theSpline intIndexSpline intIndexKnot --get the vertex
                local knotRay = ray myKnot [0,0,-1] --project the knot downwards
                local myRay = undefined
                if useGroundPlane then
                    myRay = ray [myKnot.x,myKnot.y,0.0] [0,0,1] --define the groundplane as transform mesh
                    myRay = intersectRay theAlignObject knotRay --use the object as transform mesh
                --move the vertices and tangents
                if myRay != undefined do
                    --edit the vertex itself
                    setKnotPoint theSpline intIndexSpline intIndexKnot myRay.pos
                    --edit the in-tangent
                    local theInVec = getInVec theSpline intIndexSpline intIndexKnot
                    local newInVec = fn_planeLineIntersect myRay.pos myRay.dir theInVec [0,0,-1]
                    setInVec theSpline intIndexSpline intIndexKnot newInVec
                    --edit the out-tangent
                    local theOutVec = getoutVec theSpline intIndexSpline intIndexKnot
                    local newOutVec = fn_planeLineIntersect myRay.pos myRay.dir theOutVec [0,0,-1]
                    setoutVec theSpline intIndexSpline intIndexKnot newOutVec
                    updateShape theSpline
    function fn_transformPolyVertexBitArray theVertexBitArray thePoly theAlignObject: useGroundPlane:false =
            move vertices to a plane
            <array> theVertexBitArray: an array of bitarrays describing the indices of the vertices which have to be moved
            <polyObject> thePoly: the poly which has to be transformed
            <meshObject> theAlignObject: the object used to transform the vertices to. Use the special value "groundplane" to move the vertices to the groundplane
            <boolean> useGroundPlane: true: transform the vertices to z=0 false: use theAlignObject to project the vertices on
            the input poly is edited
        for intIndexKnot in theVertexBitArray do --iterate over every vertex
            --do the intersection
            local myKnot = polyop.getVert thePoly intIndexKnot--getKnotPoint theSpline intIndexSpline intIndexKnot --get the vertex
            local knotRay = ray myKnot [0,0,-1] --define a downwards ray
            local myRay = undefined
            if useGroundPlane then
                myRay = ray [myKnot.x,myKnot.y,0.0] [0,0,1] --define the groundplane as transform mesh
                myRay = intersectRay theAlignObject knotRay --use the object as transform mesh
            --move the vertices
            if myRay != undefined do
                --edit the vertex itself
                polyop.setVert thePoly #{intIndexKnot} myRay.pos node:thePoly
    function event_prepAndAlign objectArray: baseMesh: useSelectedVertices:true useGroundPlane: =
            Prepares and aligns an array of objects to a basemesh.
            <array> objectArray: An array of objects which need to be aligned
            <meshObject> baseMesh: the mesh to which the objects need to be aligned
            <boolean> useSelectedVertices: set it to true if you want to align selected vertices only
            the objects or vertices are aligned
        if baseMesh != undefined then
            for s in objectArray do --works on arrays of objects
                case of --pick out the shapes and edtiable poly's
                    (superClassof s.baseObject  == shape): 
                        local myKnots = if useSelectedVertices then fn_getKnotSelection s else fn_getAllKnots s
                        fn_transformShapeVertexBitArray myKnots s  theAlignObject:baseMesh useGroundPlane:useGroundPlane
                    (classof s.baseObject  == Editable_Poly): 
                        if NOT useSelectedVertices do polyop.setVertSelection s.baseObject #all
                        local myVertices = polyop.getVertSelection s.baseObject
                        fn_transformPolyVertexBitArray myVertices s  theAlignObject:baseMesh useGroundPlane:useGroundPlane
                    default: print "Only splineshapes and editable poly's are supported. Please convert your object!"
        )else print "No basemesh has been selected!"
    rollout roll_AlignVertexToMesh "Align vertices to mesh by Klaas Nienhuis"
        pickbutton btnPickMesh "Pick base mesh in viewport" width:190 across:2
        checkbox chkHome "Use home grid" checked:false offset:[54,3]
        group "Align "
            label lbl1 "Works on shapes or editable poly's" align:#left offset:[10,0]
            button btnSelectedVertices "GO: selected vertices" width:120 across:2
            button btnEntireObject "GO: entire object" width:120 
        on btnPickMesh picked theObject do
            btnPickMesh.object = theObject
            btnPickMesh.caption = "Current mesh object: " + theObject.name
        on chkHome changed arg do btnPickMesh.enabled = NOT arg
        on btnSelectedVertices pressed do event_prepAndAlign objectArray:selection baseMesh:btnPickMesh.object useSelectedVertices:true useGroundPlane:chkHome.checked
        on btnEntireObject pressed do event_prepAndAlign objectArray:selection baseMesh:btnPickMesh.object useSelectedVertices:false useGroundPlane:chkHome.checked
        )--end rollout
    createDialog roll_AlignVertexToMesh width:300 height:100

    3dmax 曲线投影并移动到曲面 SiNi Software

    2.进入 sini sofrware script 界面选择曲线,选择曲线 点击拟合到模型



          本文标题:3dmax 将面片模型投射到曲面
