L4-U4-P1 Visiting a friend 1

L4-U4-P1 Visiting a friend 1

作者: Darren321 | 来源:发表于2018-12-29 22:30 被阅读2次

    Christina is on a two-week vacation        克里斯蒂娜有两周的假期

    This is the first vacation she has had for a long time(这是她第一次有这么长的假期)

    The last vacation she took was more than 2years ago(她上次度假已经两年多之前了)

    Now she is visiting a friend in San Francisco(现在她正在旧金山拜访一位朋友)

    Her friend and her husband are living near the center of the city(她的朋友和丈夫住在市中心附近)

    He works for a start-up company,in silicon valley(他在硅谷的一家刚起步的公司工作)work for ……为……工作

    While he is working,she works part-time at a department store(当他工作时,他兼职在一家百货公司)

    (She hasn't had a vacation for more than 2 years)她已经两年多没有度假了

    The last time they saw each other was 3 years ago 她们上一次见面是3年前

    At that time they were both working at department 那时她们都工作在一个部门

    Then Christina quit her job and started her own business(然后克里斯蒂娜辞掉工作开始做自己的事业)

    She designs women’s clothing(她设计女式衣服)

    Christina has come to San Francisco by herself(克里斯蒂娜她自己已经去过旧金山)

    Her husband didn’t come,because he has to work(他的丈夫没有去过,因为他要工作)

    He tried to start a company 2 years ago,but it didn’t work out(2年前他想创办一个公司,但没有成功)work out:实现/解决/锻炼

    His company failed after only a few months(他的公司仅仅几个月后就失败了)

    So now he’s work at another company and saving money(所以现在他在另一家公司工作挣钱)

    Once he saves enough money,he plans to start another company(一旦他有足够的钱,他计划创办另一家公司)

    He doesn’t want to give up(他从没想要放弃)

    This is the second time Christina has been to San Francisco(这已经是克里斯蒂娜第二次去旧金山了)

    The first time was when she was a high school student(第一次去的时候她还是一个高中生)

    That was more than 10 years ago(那已经10年前了)

    During that trip she was only in San Francisco for a few days(在那次旅行,她仅仅在旧金山几天)

    After that she went to Los Angeles and New York(那之后她去了洛杉矶和纽约)

    This time she and her friend plan to relax and have fun(这次她和她的朋友计划去放松,玩的开心)



        本文标题:L4-U4-P1 Visiting a friend 1
