animus TEM8 GRE
UK /ˈæn.ɪ.məs/ US /ˈæn.ɪ.məs/
noun, If a person has an animus against someone, they have a strong feeling of dislike for them, even when there is no good reason for it.敌意,仇视,憎恶
1. It also says it was banned because of “political animus.”(The Verge)
2. Mozilla’s stated concerns showed “a hidden organizational animus that is fatal to the idea of ‘due process’ and ‘fundamental fairness,’” Benjamin Gabriel, general counsel for DarkMatter, wrote in the online forum.(Reuters)
3. "It’s not a personal animus towards Amazon," Ocasio-Cortez told reporters at her district office.(Fox News)
4. Few doubt the president’s animus is truly motivated by Bezos’s ownership of the Post – a bastion of what he calls the “fake news” media – along with, perhaps, envy of his wealth.(The Guardian)
5. Though there is bipartisan animus toward the companies, there is still little agreement on how specifically to hold the internet giants to account.(New York Times)
6. To avoid the appearance of political animus, Justice Department officials were under intense pressure to present a strong case against Google.(Seattle Times)
7. This is a new development: Running the same analysis on previous spikes in gun-buying yielded no correlation between racial animus and purchasing behavior.(Washington Post)
8. And for all the support for #BlackLivesMatter evident on the streets, racial animus remains a strong political constraint in developing more generous assistance programs.(New York Times)
9. But she left an impression that skeptics of hydroxychloroquine were fueled by animus toward the president.(New York Times)
8. The animus between Bristow and Goldberg extended to a dispute over who extended his hand first for a handshake at a BMO Metals & Mining Conference in Florida on Monday.(Reuters)
9. House of Representatives, buoyed by left-wing energy and animus toward Republican U.S.(Reuters)
10. It alleged the Trump administration’s effort “was motivated by intentional race- and national-origin-based animus.”(Washington Post)
animus toward, against | racial, political animus
1820, "temper" (usually in a hostile sense), from Latin animus "rational soul, mind, life, mental powers, consciousness, sensibility; courage, desire," related to anima "living being, soul, mind, disposition, passion, courage, anger, spirit, feeling," from PIE root *ane- "to breathe."It has no plural. As a term in Jungian psychology for the masculine component of a feminine personality, it dates from 1923. For sense development in Latin, compare Old Norse andi "breath, breathing; current of air; aspiration in speech; soul, spirit, spiritual being."
animosity, antagonism, antipathy, bitterness, enmity, gall, grudge, hostility, jaundice, rancor
amity, friendship, friendliness, goodwill, peacefulness, fellowship, brotherhood, harmoniousness, kindliness, warmth, geniality, peace, concord, benevolence, harmony
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