CYBEX Progress Report
CYBEX Exchange
•Adjusted the script logic of price feeding from external exchanges, increasing the range of the feeding assets to improve the authenticity of the simulated price.
•Global Deployment: Finished the infrastructure design of CYBEX Web service and witness nodes deployment.

The Bridging of External Exchanges
•Finished the bridging module development based on Nodejs between CYBEX and exchanges, realized automated execution of deposit and withdrawal process when the exchange functions as a gateway.
Atomic Cybex-BTC Swap
•Finished the prototyping of atomic swap, defining the client side function logic, and started the prototype logic verification based on Python script.
Decentralized Crowdsale Platform
•Adjusted the layout of asset issuance page, and debugged the form verification logic in the additional asset issuance page.
•Adjusted the prototype logic of assets lock-up period during crowdsale, changed the lock-up period setting targeted for whole crowdsale assets to that for a single asset issuance, meeting the needs for different parties to unblock frozen crowdsale assets in batches under the crowdsale scenarios.

The Cybex team will disclose timely the progress during the development, and we are looking forward to your feedbacks.
Nov. 12th, 2017