儿童节| 童话及长大

儿童节| 童话及长大

作者: Jennie的备考笔记 | 来源:发表于2018-06-01 15:26 被阅读0次


"It doesn't matter if you're born in a duck yard, so long as you are hatched from a swan's egg."                                                                  --from Andersen's Fairy Tales

It has become so embarrassing that the youngsters want to grow up while adults would like to pretend to be young. I just read an article about fairy tales recommended on Children’s Day. The first one comes from Andersen's Fairy Tales. Ironically, the quote "It doesn't matter if you're born in a duck yard, so long as you are hatched from a swan's egg." from The Ugly Duckling, demonstrates itself that fairy tales are just beautiful bubbles made by imaginative writers. But parents often take the ugly duckling’s story to make their kids believe that they will become more beautiful when they grow up. Well, the truth is: the ugly duckling is not a duck but a swan in a duck yard. The duck yard has never changed her nature. A sad truth to swallow. So, parents, don’t trick your kids into these flawed fairy tales. The world is not a fair and perfect place where your kids can just daydream and get the free lunch for life. Some people are born to the purple, some have blue blood while most of us wind up with ordinary life. The world is not fairy tales your kids read; it is more like the Game of Throne you watch. Cruelty, conflict and calculation come as a combination of life. I don’t expect all parents to tell their kids all the dark sides of the world we live but I don’t want every kid to indulge themselves in the-princess-and-princess-lived-happily-ever-after.

As for those kidadults who refuse to face the fact that they are no longer young, I only have two words for you: Wake up! Find yourself at home, at work and in your community and country. Because you are expected to make a difference and create a better world for them. You are what they see in this world. If you stick around at your parents’ house in your mid-twenties, refuse to take on your responsibility and wait for the next generation to support you, I should say “forget about it.” The world will never get better itself, nor will the next generation fix all the problems. But the beautiful blue planet has fostered billions of lives with amazing talents and skills. I am confident that we adults (NOT kidults) can and will contribute to the cause of human beings.


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