2018-04-15 EOS GO

作者: 昊无边 | 来源:发表于2018-04-15 22:56 被阅读0次

Sam Sapoznick 发文讨论BP期限的问题,感觉挺有道理的

Block Producer Term Limits(区块生产者任期限制)

Summary: Term limits (enforced rotation of position, such as employed for some political positions, e.g. the US presidency) are one method to combat the entrenchment of bad actors.


In an EOS.IO context, if BP term limits of n years length are imposed, some of the effects are:


Makes it considerably more difficult for any single entity or faction to monopolize one or more Block Producer slots.


Imposes an ongoing infrastructure cost penalty on the blockchain equal to 1/n per year, where n is the duration of term limit in years. (E.g. a 4-year term limit requires 1/4 = 25% of the blockchain hardware & human resources to be replaced every year.)

在区块链上施加等于每年1 / n的持续基础设施成本损失,其中n是以年为单位的期限限制。 (例如,4年期限要求每年需要更换1/4 = 25%的区块链硬件和人力资源。)

Discourages any block producer from taking a long-term view of their participation. A BP's effective time horizon is limited to roughly n-1 years. (Though some argue that this is a positive, it is also a negative because term limits work against both good and bad actors.)

阻止任何区块生产者长期看待他们的参与。 BP的有效时间范围限制在大约n-1年。 (尽管有人认为这是积极的,但它也是一个消极因素,因为期限限制对好人和坏人都有效。)

"Lame duck" effects on BPs who are due to be removed in any given year: they have reduced incentive to work hard to preserve the quality of their operations and their reputation as their term limit approaches.

对任何一年将被移除的BP来说都会带来“跛脚鸭(lame duck)”的影响:他们减少了激励,就会变得没有动力保持其业务质量和声誉,因为他们的任期接近结束。

The shorter the term limit, the more incentive there is for a BP to try to think up "short term plays," i.e. manipulations to try to maximize profit before exiting the system. Longer term limits (or no term limits) open up the field for a longer-term steady-state mindset and operational attitude for BPs.


My current point of view:

I think EOS.IO software should offer configurable BP term limits as an optional feature, with a range from 1 to 100 years and the ability to disable term limits entirely.



For the first EOS.IO main public chain, if community consensus favors term limits I argue they should be not shorter than 4 years, to reduce both the capital costs and potential network-instability risks of too-high turnover rates.

A default setting of 7 years may be a suitable trade-off in the balance of stability vs. rotation of responsibility.





    本文标题:2018-04-15 EOS GO
