Another possibility is that somebody hacked into her computer.
She had probably stored the code somewhere on her computer, and the thief was able to get it from there.
But who could it have been?
Suddenly, he realized that there was a new IT guy in the office.
He maintained the company's computer network, and provided technical support for the staff.
Perhaps he was the guilty one.
If anyone could have done it, he certainly had the skills.
He was a security expert and he had helped Sylvia intall something on her computer last week.
Then John realized that nobody had done a proper background check on the guy.
One of the other engineers in the company had recommended him and he seemed nice.
They had been in a hurry to hire someone for the position, so they didn't check his back ground very carefully.
Suddenly, he had a bad feeling.
Immediately, he used his smartphone to check the company's bank accounts.
To his horror, he found that a large amount of money was missing from one of the accounts.
There had been a large withdrawal earlier that morning, more than $75,000!
He then discovered that the money had been wired to an account in another country.
So not only did the IT guy get the access code for the safe, but he also got the log-in information for the bank.
This was a disaster.
(Why did he decide to check the company's bank account?)
(He suddenly realized that the thief might have gone after more than just the access code.)追逐
John immediately called the police and reported the incident.
He also called the bank to see if they could stop the transaction.
Unfortunately, they said it was too late, the transaction had gone through.
Just then, John got an email with the subject line: "from the IT guy".
It showed a smily face and said "Thank you for being so stupid."
"Don't waste your time trying to find me."
"I've left the country and will never return."
"Be thankful that I didn't take everything in the account."
"This should be a good lesson for you."
It was signed: "Your IT guy."
(He was horrified when he found that a large amount of money was missing.)当他发现大量的钱不见了时,他吓坏了
(Besides getting the access code, he was able to get into the company's bank accounts.)除了获得密码,他还能进入公司的银行账户。
(He shoud have learned to take security seriously, which also means to do background checks.)他应该学会认真对待安全问题,这也意味着要做背景调查