gap a year

gap a year

作者: Molly在英国的学习生活 | 来源:发表于2022-08-10 08:57 被阅读0次

yes.I quit the job 2 months ago,but before that extremely tried and exhaustion is full of my body..at that moment,it seemed depression is accompanied together,lost the passion for job,for life.Thus,made the decision to gap a year,to explore something worth,something strikes me,maybe to experience diverse cultures and to accommodate new country,immerse to the new world,eventually obtain the passion for life again.

It remembered me vividly that when driver away from the workplace I have done it for 10 years,just felt ,I am free,now can enjoy the fresh air,can feel the spring,summer,fall,winter,to feel the seasons to change, ...actually,it is not so bad.

Just go ahead.Even though I donnot know what is going to wait for me...just keep the love for life,for yourself,for someone you really care,maybe that's enough.


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