Be kind. Mean people are the worst. Civility seems to be in decline, and we are worse off for it. You don’t have to agree with someone to be civil to them. (Punching people in the stomach is just rude.)
Take risks. You can take risks and truly live, or you can avoid risk and safely wait to die. (I’m not talking about life-threatening risks like playing chicken with a train on a tricycle, or tight-rope walking without a net over the Grand Canyon, or trying to jump over 16 double decker buses on a motorcycle. But reasonable risks like telling someone how you feel about them, getting up and singing on karaoke night, or starting a new career.)
Don’t bottle up your feelings. And the flip-side: don’t lose your temper and throw bottles.
Work hard. Or marry wealth (which is not easy, trust me, and you probably won’t enjoy it without love.) Do your work to the best of your ability. This builds character.
Help others. It’s medicine for your soul.
Don’t be lazy. Except on days off and vacation and other appropriate times.