黃檗傳心法要(蒲樂道英譯) - 2

黃檗傳心法要(蒲樂道英譯) - 2

作者: 歸鶴樓主 | 来源:发表于2023-08-25 10:57 被阅读0次



As to performing the six paramitas (Charity, morality, patience under affliction, zealous application, right control of mind and the application of the highest wisdom). Buddha and all sentient beings are the One Mind and nothing else. and vast numbers of similar practices, or gaining merits as countless as the sands of the Ganges, since you are fundamentally complete in every respect, you should not try to supplement that perfection by such meaningless practices. When there is occasion for them, perform them; and, when the occasion is passed, remain quiescent. If you are not absolutely convinced that the Mind is the Buddha, and if you are attached to forms, practices and meritorious performances, your way of thinking is false and quite incompatible with the Way. 

The Mind IS the Buddha, nor are there any other Buddhas or any other mind. It is bright and spotless as the void, having no form or appearance whatever. To make use of your minds to think conceptually is to leave the substance and attach yourselves to form. The Ever-Existent Buddha is not a Buddha of form or attachment. To practice the six paramitas and a myriad similar practices with the intention of becoming a Buddha thereby is to advance by stages, but the Ever-Existent Buddha is not a Buddha of stages. Only awake to the One Mind, and there is nothing whatsoever to be attained. This is the REAL Buddha. The Buddha and all sentient beings are the One Mind and nothing else.


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      本文标题:黃檗傳心法要(蒲樂道英譯) - 2
