If you have been in the dilemma of life,I think today’s talk is going to give you some helps,even a little bit of it,you will accept the peace and freedom of life by balancing and compromising your inner desires. there are some wisdoms that seem like a incarnational side of life,but are thought-provoking. For example,our help is often toxic and thus help is the sunny side of the control. And everyone is screwed up,broken,clingy and scared,one or even having it more together,which is one of our human most authentic sides,so try not to compare your insides to others outsides,or you will make yourself worse than you already are. In most cases,home is the origin of world peace,where is filled with affection for one’s all fields,including goofy,self-centered,cranky and annoying self. About death,in any case,the person will live again fully in your heart if you don’t seal it off. Taken together,everything has cracks,that’s how the light gets in,and that’s how we feel our own again fully alive,that is the truth and wisdom we are able to learn from lives!
