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Christian Israelite
Identity, Wisdom And Destiny
Published by The Israelite Network
All Rights Reserved ISBN 0-9669147-0-8
The existence of the Creator should be examined, because throughout history and in this generation, more people have died in the name of religion than for any other reason.
Today people often find it difficult believing that the Creator exists, mainly because most institutionalized educators profess to the world that the Lord God YAHAWAH, the Almighty Creator, does not exist.
The so-called authorities of this world have claimed that God did not create the universe and the living organisms. The scientists of today are telling us that it was man that created god, in his own image.
Just because you can't see something does not mean it does not exist! We can't see the wind, and neither can we see the future; however they do exist! The universe for all practical purposes is infinite; man cannot know everything that exists unless he has infinite knowledge.
In order for anyone to make a statement of absolute negativism, like saying there is no God, he would have to be all knowing. In fact, a person that can say that is basically saying he is god, since only a god is omniscient!
Another very important reason why some people deny the existence of the Creator is because the religions have been maliciously teaching them about a false god, and lies against the true words of the Bible, giving people a false idea of what the Bible is truly saying!
Not only are most churches set up against the Bible, most of the leaders of this world have in addition been brainwashing people with lies in the westernized educational systems by misrepresenting the facts in a form of false science!
What is even stranger is that many people believe in the devil, and worship Satan, but they don't believe in the Almighty God that created all things.
Like religion, the main purpose of modern institutionalized education today is not to teach the truth, but to exploit the people economically and politically, and to brainwash and colonize the minds of unsuspecting people.
Organized religion, like organized crime, has forced people to idolize the picture of a man instead of God, creating many atheists in the process, when the people begin to recognize that they are being bombarded with false and malicious interpretations of the Bible.
People believe in evolutionism rather than creationism because they were never taught both sides of the story fairly.
Maliciously so, the school system has only shown the evolutionist viewpoint for the origin of the universe! These pseudo-scholars would like to deny the Lord as Creator so they can give themselves the glory, and selfishly set up their own image and gods.
Logically there has to be a first cause to all the effects that have manifested in the existing universe. Lets now prove beyond the slightest doubt that the Creator exists, and that the universe was made by him!
First, according to the theory of relativity the physical laws observable in one part of the universe have to relatively apply to any other part: all frames of reference are not absolute, but relative. Therefore the universe in no way could have created itself, it had to be created by a force of absolute power outside of itself. This is very easily proven!
The first scientific law to be considered is the law of cause and effect. An effect cannot cause itself.
By law, every effect must have a cause. Therefore all the effects observed, including the universe itself, must have a First Cause external to themselves! What was it?
By all logic and true science this could only be the work of an omnipotent, omniscient Creator.
The scientists of the world have maliciously fabricated a false story to explain the origin of the physical universe.
They're teaching that twenty billion years ago, a Cosmic Egg (a ball of tremendous mass and energy), was sitting peacefully in equilibrium until one day the thing exploded.
And that super hot expanding gas was supposed to have somehow condensed into the stars, planets and galaxies. They call this idea the Big Bang Theory!
And they're also teaching that to this day somewhere out in space matter is automatically creating itself out of nothingness: they call this the Steady State!
Be informed that these false teachings don't have a shred of evidence to prove them, and we will see that all of the true evidence, observations, and facts definitely do disprove these lies concerning the origin of the universe!
Now, consider the First Law of Motion: an object sitting in equilibrium will remain in equilibrium unless acted upon by an external force.
So it is contradictory and false to say that a Cosmic Egg sitting in equilibrium from eternity can spontaneously explode. This is impossible and unscientific, objects at rest remain at rest unless acted upon by an external force.
It would require an external force to cause this thing to leave the state of equilibrium and to explode.
Furthermore, those guys were not there twenty billion years ago to witness and confirm that this explosion did occur!
Many complex fields and waves are observed in the universe: gravitational, nuclear, and electromagnetic. Waves need an external energy to start them vibrating and propagating; they could not have evolved by themselves in the vacuum of space.
Objects at rest remain at rest unless acted upon by an external force! The universe could not have originated itself!
Secondly, according to the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy, matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed but only changed in form.
So where did the exploding Cosmic Egg and the substance of it come from? Where did the energy that caused it to explode come from? Who initiated the explosion?
The total amount of mass and energy in the universe has to be conserved! So it is impossible for this Cosmic Egg to have ever existed.
Because by natural forces nothing can be created or destroyed but only changed in form; this predicts that the universe could not have created itself out of anything, and had to be of supernatural origin!
The universe could only be the product of an omnipotent, omniscient Creator!
Thirdly, According to the Natural Gas Laws, a gas in a certain volume of space will continue to expand due to its kinetic energy, until it fills up that space. So the explosion of the Cosmic Egg would create a super-heated gas, expanding at thousands of miles per hour and filling up the infinite void of space.
There would be nothing in the vacuum of space to cause this gas to stop expanding. It would be impossible for this expanding gas to stop expanding by itself and out of nowhere create spinning: stars, planets, galaxies, and living organisms.
This occurrence would be impossible because the First Law of motion states that an object in motion remains in motion unless acted upon by an external force!
If the universe is all there is, what external force, in the vacuum of space, would cause that rapidly expanding gas to stop, and condense into complex galaxies and star systems and so on?
This so called Big Bang explosion contradicts and is opposite to every natural and man-made explosion observed, since explosions destroy order; explosions do not create order!
Evolution and the Big Bang Theory are nothing but myths.
The institutionalized cosmologists and evolutionists are claiming that complex order and design are the result of an explosion, instead of chaos and decay.
If you believe in the Big Bang you probably believe in all the other fairy tales that were devised to enslave the mind!
And not only this, they've claimed to have detected echoes from the Big Bang explosion with a microwave antenna. This is impossible, because the microwave is a form of electromagnetic energy, like visible light, ultraviolet light, and X rays.
Now these waves travel in space at approximately 299,792,500 meters per second, away from their point of origin.
And remember that according to the Theory of Relativity no object of mass in the natural universe can exceed the speed of light waves, including microwaves.
When we examine the sound wave or the noise produced by an explosion, we see that the sound travel at the speed of the wave and away from the site of the explosion.
Therefore if a burst of cosmic rays were produced by an explosion twenty billion years ago, they could not possibly be detect today within the boundaries of the physical universe, because the electromagnetic radiation moving away at the speed of light since the moment of the explosion would have separated itself from the material universe and would be expanding ahead of and faster than the material universe (waves travel faster than gases), forever outward at the speed of light, away from the universe and never to return and be detected!
According to the Inverse Square Wave Propagation Theory, this Background Microwave Radiation cannot be from a Primordial Big Bang explosion, because upon close examination of the Cosmic Background Radiation as measured from different parts of the sky, it is observed that the radiation readings vary randomly from one section of the sky to the next.
根据逆平方波传播理论,这种背景微波辐射不可能能来自原始宇宙大爆炸过程,因为通过仔细审核, 从太空不同部分测量的宇宙背景辐射,可以观察到辐射读数不同。
But according to the Laws of Wave propagation the readings should be even and constant for every section of the sky compared to the next.
This proves that the detected radiation could not be from a primordial Big Bang explosion!
When we observe the universe we see every system is in rotational motion: the planets rotate, the stars rotate, and galaxies rotate.
Now the force of an explosion in the vacuum of space is only radial or outward, nothing rotational; so where did rotational motion come from?
According to the Laws of Angular Momentum, it takes an external force to start an object spinning since the only possible motion that can be created by an explosion is radial, meaning outward expansion, this Big Bang idea also contradicts the Law of Angular Momentum.
The Universe is observed to have spin to it imparted by the Creator, which would not have been there otherwise!
Furthermore, according to the Second Law of Thermal Dynamics, in any reaction the total amount of useful energy has to decrease and the total amount of entropy (randomness) have to increase. In other words, a system left to itself will tend to decay to a state from maximum order and maximum energy and to maximum disorder and minimum energy. For example, a river runs downhill, not up and a clock spring will unwind, not wind itself up.
此外,根据热力学第二定律,在任何反应中,有用能量的总量必须减少,熵的总量(随机性)必须增加。换句话说,一个系统如果任其自生自灭,就会趋向于从最大阶和最大能量衰变到最大无序和最小能量。例如,河流是向下流淌的,而不是向上的; 时钟的发条是放松的,而不是上紧的。
The Second Law of Thermal Dynamics predicts decay and disorder. For example, that perfume will escape from a bottle into the air and not return back into the bottle. It also predicts that a mixture of solutions will not sort itself into separate substances.
A gas is a mixture of particles of different kinetic energy, but it will never separate itself into two halves, each half of the gas a different temperature. According to the Second Law of Thermal Dynamics an explosion has to create disorder and randomness, not order!
All independent systems have to go from a state of maximum energy to minimum energy, and to disorder! The universe and all life are decaying, they are not evolving and becoming more complex with time. All things decay as they grow older.
The Second Law of Thermal Dynamics confirms that the universe could not have started out as an explosion since explosions create disorder and destroy order. In addition to that it naturally has to be decaying further, and not evolving to become more complex.
Evolution and the Big Bang would not be natural or scientific. That's like the perfume finding its way out of the air and back into the bottle, or like warm water separating itself into cold and hot halves.
When we look at the universe we see a highly ordered place, with physical laws and highly ordered systems, and all this could not have evolved from a simple state of maximum chaos, like an explosion!
The concept of Spontaneous Evolution and the Big Bang Theory contradict the Second Law of Thermal Dynamics!
Any system left to itself will decay; that is why you cannot create a Virtual Energy machine, a machine of one hundred percent efficiency as it converts energy from one form to another.
In any process involving energy conversion, the total amount of energy left for useful work has to be less than the initial amount; this is the Law of Decay. The observable universe is slowly decaying.
Stars and people don't grow younger, they grow older and gas clouds are observed to dissipate over time.
Upon further observation, when we apply the Second Law of Thermal Dynamics, this universe appears to be a very young creation.
If the universe were twenty billion years old, there would be no star clusters left, the members of clusters are observed to be flying apart, so they would have long since flown apart! And the spiral arms of the galaxies would have pulled in and assumed the configuration of a ring or a disk, due to momentum!
The earth's magnetic field is decaying exponentially, and if the earth was even a hundred thousand years old, there would be no detectable magnetic field. The Earth has to be a very recent creation!
And according to the laws of decay (entropy and enthalpy of matter and energy), if the universe was infinitely old, it would be dead; the fact that it is not proves that it isn't infinitely old!
God is not pretending to exist, He really does exist. If He did not exist the atheists would not be trying so hard to deny the facts! This universe is full of life and energy because it is the recent creation of an existing omnipotent and omniscient Creator!