

作者: Pentacle_V | 来源:发表于2020-05-06 17:35 被阅读0次

          本章讲述了自己在家偷偷的学习,就连生日的礼物都被Dursley一家人忘记,准备进入第三年的学习阶段,收到了度假中朋友的生日礼物,和Hagrid的惊人的biting book。收到朋友的礼物,同时收获了渴望的友谊。


    in the dead of night 夜深人静时

    the blankets drawn over his...... 把……覆盖……上

    prop open 撑开

    likely-looking 看上去可能是

    whatsoever 任何,无论什么

    downtrodden 被践踏的,被蹂躏的,被压制的

    mouthpiece 电话话筒

    swivel around to Harry 旋转

    arm's-length 一定距离,一臂之外

    row: an angry dispute 吵闹

    make a racket(row, din): to cause a lot of noisy disturbance 发出噪音

    the lot 所有物品

    floorboard 地板

    flinch 退缩,畏惧

    the curse had rebounded upon its originator 产生反作用,反弹

    silhouetted 隐约地出现

    window-latch 窗锁

    the cords 细绳

    one bleary eye: tired to the point of exhaustion 疲倦的眼

    remove her burden 包袱,负担

    a letter bearing the Hogwarts crest 山顶,山峰

    scoop grand prize 抢先获得

    gangling: tall and thin and having long slender limbs. 瘦如电杆

    I remember only too well .........记得特别清楚

    look particularly smug: complacency or self-satisfaction 自以为是地,自满的

    fez perched jauntily 得意洋洋地 (a jaunty fashionable manner) 土耳其毡帽

    horn-rimmed glasses 角质眼镜架

    a miniature glass spinning top 玻璃制小陀螺

    servicing kit 维修包

    Tail-Twig Clippers

    befriend giant spiders 照顾,对待,以朋友方式对待,帮助

    register its handsome green cover: be aware of 知道

    enblazoned with the golden title 用纹章装饰的

    follow it stealthily: in a stealthy manner 暗地里或偷偷摸摸地

    scuttle on its covers 快走

    scramble around 四处乱跑

    flatten it 压扁

    enclosed permission form 被附上,随函附上的表格

    Hogsmeade village: a village, or simply called Hogsmeade, is the only all-wizarding village in Britain.



