Who Is Jane Goodall?

Who Is Jane Goodall?

作者: 影徒随我 | 来源:发表于2018-08-03 18:41 被阅读0次

 Did you know that a girl whose dream was to live among chimpanzees? Yes,I did .Jane Goodall was born in london ,England.                           By the time ,when she was a child ,she was curious about the animals .In many girl`s childhood there always had a doll to spend time with . So did Jane .But her doll was a big chimp and she named it Jubilee.Many people thought it was a horrible doll for a little girl. She also had a lot of friengs to play with .But what was most special for her was being out in nature .One time ,she dug up some earrthworms .She took them back home and put them under the pillow .Her mother found it and told her that the worms needed to be in their own homes.Jane was unhappy ,but returned the worms to the yard  .When she was 5 years old ,she was until loved animals .When she was curious to see how chicken laid eggs, she even stayed in the cotton for 5 hours .What perseverance this girl had! In these five hours her parents were very worried about her safety .They even called the police to report the girl was missing .                                  When she come back .Her mother didn`t scold her .Because she knew that Jane wan`t a naughty.She was just walking in her own way   When Jane found a job at a company which was to make documentary films ,she got a letter that changed Jane Goodall`s life .It came from her old classmate----Clo.Clo`s family had bought a farm in Africa .and he wanted her to visit his farm .Jane Goodall liked to do that .But she still moved back home in Bournemonth.She begain to save up for her trip .                                                                                               All in all ,Jane was a good waitress .She could do more things than others .She could carry many plates balanced on her arms .Soon ,Jane`s Africa trip began. Three weeks  later she got there .The first day,she  got a best birthday gifts .There was a giraffe ran behind their car .Soon,Jane knew she was a guest ,so she couldn`t stay at the farm for more than a few weeks .Jane was lucky ,soon she got a big transition of her life .She met a famous scientist louis leakey .Their job was to dig holes for fossils. They were looking for fossils of the very earliest humans .                                                                                                                                                                                                          Jane decided  to work as Leakey at a museum in the Kenya .For  a short time .Jane knew how to dig fossils . She spend 10 hours to dig fossils a day ,but usually she found nothing. Jane Goodall wasn`t the only  one .One person lived in the forest was too lonely.The person lived beside Jane was Jane`s mother----Vanne .In this place ,a cook was very important for any scientist .                                                           Vanne and Jane lived in the sa me old army tent .In the tent ,there was a sparated area for washing clothes .The toilet there was outside .  In the forest ,there always were many mosquito there .So they put the mosquito netting covered the front of the tent .First,the officialin Africa had worried about Jane`s safty .From whom could Jane get comfort?The answer was : Jane's mother .So they called Jane`s mother Vanne to go with her .When Jane went to work ,Vanne always wrote up her notes of the day .But what did VAnne do all day  while JAne was out to work She set up a clinic and provided basic health care to the local family.She even helped to deliver babies .Soon JAne and Vanne went into the forest .compared to find fossils ,was much easier .Soon, they needed alocal guide But JAne thought two persons made more noise than one .Beacause she had na guide ,so it was dangerous for her to work on the forest. But chimps created a bond between Jane and themselves.                                                                                                                                                                               Now ,Jane got discourage by how little progress,she had made with the chimps .She and Vanne both got sick .The mosquitos in the forest ,one of them named malaria.They had no drugs.First ,JAne had told her mom that there wasn`t malaria inAfrica.So they didn`t take any medicine.  For two weeks ,they never left their tent.By the time ,Jane was very sad .She even blamed herself .But they were so lucky ,that they recoverd for two weeks .In october   ,Vanne ahd gone home .  She began to exploring an area------Peak by herself. Every day even rain or shine ,she got into the forest and watching chimps .Soon the chimps accpected Jane .And Jane gave name for chimps .In all of the chimps , Jane liked the chimp named Flo best.Compared to other chimps ,Flo had  a funning -looking  Flo was a playful mother in all of the chimps.In the chimps family ,their always some interesting things happened .As night came ,the forest faded into darkness .One of the chimps named Willian was often in bloodthirsty .In a manner of speaking ,usually he turn back .He beat and kicked Jane .So Jane   was very sad about that. But she was still watching for Willian .Jane began to be famous.Soon ,National Geographic magazine  wanted the world to know Jane and  her chimps friends .So they sent a photographer to go with Jane to join in the chimps.The chimps accptected Jane in a long time .By the time ,their teamwork always in bad .So Jane didn`t determine  it might  disrupt  her work.So Jane dicided let her sister come here  to work with her .Judy and Jane looked a lot alike .So it might puzzle chimps .The chimps might accept Judy in a short time .After one week ,they started went into the forest  together .But the big trouble was ,Judy 'sphotos weren`t good for magazines .So Judy needed to go home  By the time ,louis found a young phothgrapher to help Jane .His name was hugo and he interested everything  in chimps  。It is impossible to dissociate  camera  from HugoOne of his famous photos was two chimps in fight about the leadership . All of  his photos were wonderful ! When they got big succes ,louis was very happy about that the importance of Jane`s work.Soon Jane got a chance to join  Cam brige  University. Two years later ,she became Dr.Jane Goodall.By the time ,Jane and Hugo became close friends  .the personalities made them unhappy .They thought Hugo was more formal person than Jane was .Every night ,they talked about chimps .Soon, they fell in love .In 1964,they were married .The wedding cake of  their marrige was a monkey named David .In the hall, there were many pictures about their chimps friends .After that The National Geographic magazines decided to sponsor more money  for Jane and Hugo`s work .By the time,many young graduate  students joined in the team of Jane .Soon Jane `s work attracted many scientist `s attention . At first all of the scientist thought  that a chimp group was made up of one male and lots of females .The answer  here was :that`s not so .Don't speak in such abstract terms.The chimp group was made up by many males and females .When the leader of the group became old and weak ,the younger often fight others to get the leader ship .Jane first went to Gomb,the leader .the leader  was Golish .later a chimp named Mike wanted to get the leadership .Mike wasn`t  stronger 。 but he was smart  So he got the Leader ship.Usually ,the chimps at the zoo could live for a long time .They could live up to sixty-five years old .But the chimps in the wild  were different .                                                                                     Perhaps ,they could only live for forty years .What makes such difference?Because  it was harder to survive in the wild .One of the animals in the forest named Baboons might attack and kill them .So ,the chimps were always in great danger .In the forest ,there were some diseases too.Such as flu ,poilo. what could diseases do for wild animals .Always,scientist tired their best to sun away  from controversial problem.All of the diseases could make the the wild chimps die.In 1966,,a new in GOMB made Jane sad.One of the diseases  named polio made several  chimps died.And Jane `s favourite chimp also died in polio.Jane knew the life wasn't permanent,but she until wrote an article about FLO lived with her in GOMB.It was the first time that an article about animals obituary in Sunday  Times.When Flo died ,one of his child Fint wa past child hood just then.He couldn`t bear his life without Flo .Flint stopped eating.He stopped anything with his friend. Jane and her students reverenced tradition of the chimp's group ,they did nothing .Jane spilted  Gomb soon.Once more Flint died .His death on September 15.Soon a war broke out .It   was  the stsrted within six males from one group attacked a male chimp from another group. Finally,the war end ,because one of the chimp died in the fight.Some of the chimps were savage and bloodthirsty.The ownership in chimps`mind was very important.Soon Jane wrote a article about the war within chimps to make people to reflection again.One day a group by armed came into Gomb kidnapped four students .They asked money for their freedom. After that ,there wasn't more students lived in Gomb.So one of Jane' projects started .  That's ChimpanZoo.        Jane thought chimps needed larger spaces to live  like their wild home  .Soon she got big succes for her life .  And all of her lenged life started by a toy chimp named Jubilee.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (end)                                                                                                                                          



      本文标题:Who Is Jane Goodall?
