
作者: 胄宁 | 来源:发表于2016-03-29 18:06 被阅读74次

By/Zhou Ning

Bright city,High light time.

Screw your sadness to the sky.

With the dreams and holps.

The happiness and upset in your eyes.

The memories,maybe the same time.

You and I do not seen for a long time.

But,please remember,

I'm always in your back.


the sky which above your head.

Maybe not the same one above mine.

But it doesn't matter in fact.

Where I miss you,

which star you look like.

                                  March 29th,2016



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  • 2f440313dfb7:英文短篇诗我推荐泰戈尔的飞鸟集🙆
    胄宁: @戚夏rainbow 我还真没看过泰戈尔的诗,回头看看😃
  • 读云轩札记:If you miss someone,just call and tell her.I am in your back.
    胄宁: @读云轩札记 Thank you.
  • 平淡老白干:能翻译一下吗,文学尚浅,看不懂
    胄宁: @榕枯 😁翻译过来就不太押韵了,大概意思是在光怪陆离的世界里,你的眼里有悲伤也有幸福,还有回忆。无论怎样,我都会支持你,我们也许不在同一个天空下,不过没关系,我想你的时候,就会有颗星星像你。就是这个意思了,感谢阅读了。

