

作者: 芦苇在读读写写 | 来源:发表于2021-06-27 23:04 被阅读0次

    1. 主谓 SV (subject+verb)
    2. 主谓宾 SVO (subject+verb+object)
    3. 主系表 SVP (subject+linking verb+predicate)
    4. 主谓宾宾 SVOO (subject+verb+object indirect+object direct)
    5. 主谓宾补 SVOC (subject+verb+object+complement)

    v. Sth. To/for sb. ->v. sb. Sth.
    He showed his passport to the guard.
    ->He showed the guard his passport.
    I am going to buy a gift for her.
    ->I am going to bur her a gift.
    To: assign, award, bring, deliver, deny, feed, give, rent, hand, lend, offer, owe, pass, pay, promise, post, read, recommend, sell, send, show, take, write
    For: book, buy, build, change, choose, cook fetch, find, get, keep, make, order, prepare, sing
    *charge, cost, bet
    1. Give a thief enough rope and he'll hang himself.
    2. Can you recommend me a good novel?
    3. He built them a hut. Hut 小屋
    4. He ordered himself a bottle of champagne.
    5. Will you choose me an interesting novel?
    6. Can you spare me a few minutes of your valuable time?
    7. Jack doesn't owe me anything.
    8. May I ask you a favor?
    9. That will save you a lot of time.
    10. The novel won the author a Nobel Prize.
    11. It cost me three dollars.

    I very much hope that his new medium will make my Christmas message more personal and direct.
    A hedge between keeps friendship green. Hedge 篱笆
    They appointed John chairman.
    I believe him to be true.
    The chairman declared the meeting over.
    You can leave the door open.
    We can call Internet addicts a Webaholic.
    I found this answer wrong.
    Find, deem, consider
    I made John our chairman.
    I made John a cake.
    She will make him a good husband.
    She will make him a good wife.
    I find you a good teacher.
    I will find you a good teacher.
    Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
    The telescopes of the 1600s magnified objects 33 times their original size.
    The boy's sharp remark left the teacher speechless.
    The chairman has declared the meeting over.
    I prefer my steak medium.
    Dick set the caged animals free.
    The pot calls the kettle black.

    I suggest you leave/I suggest leaving early tomorrow morning.



