

作者: 橄榄树上结果果 | 来源:发表于2020-10-14 13:24 被阅读0次

The story of Joseph is filled with jealousy, hatred, sorrow, and despair, but there is also love, hope, and loving-kindness throughout. Joseph enters the world as the favored son of Jacob, which paints him as a target for his brothers’ animosity. His father does not help the situation when he gives Joseph the infamous coat of many colors, and Joseph finally seals his own fate through his prophetic dreams of his brothers bowing to him. All these incidents lead us to the fateful event of Joseph being sold into slavery and ending up in an Egyptian prison. Through all this, Joseph remains faithful and filled with hope.

The events helped Joseph realize his own part to play in his brother’s despicable actions. Eventually, Joseph becomes second in command over all Egypt and is faced with the biggest challenge of his life. His brothers come to him and seek his mercy and help. At that moment, Joseph displays one of the greatest examples of loving-kindness in all of the Torah. He puts aside his rightful hurt feelings he should have for his brothers and decides only to test their current character. His brothers do end up displaying a profound change, and Joseph reveals his identity with joy and tears.

This Biblical narrative is filled with valuable lessons, but one of the ones we can take away is that we, too, can display that same level of mercy and loving-kindness to those who have wronged us. To find forgiveness by forgiving others is God’s great gift, and this Sukkot, let’s pray for God to guide us in that pursuit.






fate :命中注定的事 ; 命运的安排 ; 命运 ; 天数 ; 定数 ; 天意 ; 注定

prophetic:正确预言的 ; 有预见的 ; 预言家的 ; 像预言家的 ; 似先知的

pursuit: 追求;寻找;追赶;跟踪;追捕;事业;消遣;爱好


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