/* 常用拷贝和替换算法
* copy
* 将容器中指定范围内的元素拷贝到另一容器中;
* 函数原型:`copy(iterator beg, iterator end, iterator dest beg);`;
* - iterator beg 和 iterator end指定要复制的源容器的范围;
* - iterator dest beg目标容器迭代器起始位置;
* 注:这里需要先给目标容器开辟空间储存复制的元素.
* replace
* 将容器指定范围内的旧元素替换为新元素;
* 函数原型:`replace(iterator beg, iterator end, old, new);`
* - iterator beg 和 iterator end指定要替换的元素的范围;
* - old 和 new 指定替换值;
* replace_if
* 将区间内满足条件的元素替换成指定元素;
* 函数原型:`replace_if(iterator beg, iterator end, _Pred, newvalue);`;
* - iterator beg 和 iterator end指定要替换的元素的范围;
* - _Pred 谓词判断哪些元素要替换;
* - newvalue指定要替换的新值;
* swap
* 互换两个容器的元素
* 函数原型:`swap(container1, container2);`;
* - container1, container2 两个待交换的容器;
* 注:
* (1)这里需要先给目标容器开辟空间储存复制的元素;
* (2)两个容器元素类型应该相同;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <random>
using namespace std;
// 一元谓词
class GT500{
GT500(int mark){
this->m_mark = mark;
bool operator()(int val){
return val>this->m_mark;
int m_mark;
void CreateVec(vector<int> &v){
// srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); 旧版生成随机数方法,弃用
std::random_device rd; // Will be used to obtain a seed for the random number engine
std::mt19937 gen(rd()); // Standard mersenne_twister_engine seeded with rd()
std::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(0, 1000);
for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
int a = dist(gen); // 使用新的产生随机数的方式
class myPrint{
void operator()(int val){
cout << val << " ";
int main(){
vector<int> v1;
vector<int> v2;
cout << "容器1:" << endl;
for_each(v1.begin(), v1.end(), myPrint());
cout << endl;
// 拷贝
cout << "替换前:" << endl;
copy(v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.begin());
for_each(v2.begin(), v2.end(), myPrint());
cout << endl;
// 替换
cout << "替换后:" << endl;
replace_if(v2.begin(), v2.end(), GT500(500), 1000);
for_each(v2.begin(), v2.end(), myPrint());
cout << endl;
// 交换v1 v2
cout << "swap v1 v2前:" << endl;
for_each(v1.begin(), v1.end(), myPrint());
cout << endl;
for_each(v2.begin(), v2.end(), myPrint());
cout << endl;
cout << "swap v1 v2后:" << endl;
swap(v1, v2);
for_each(v1.begin(), v1.end(), myPrint());
cout << endl;
for_each(v2.begin(), v2.end(), myPrint());
cout << endl;
856 487 227 911 489 173 420 972 911 591
856 487 227 911 489 173 420 972 911 591
1000 487 227 1000 489 173 420 1000 1000 1000
swap v1 v2前:
856 487 227 911 489 173 420 972 911 591
1000 487 227 1000 489 173 420 1000 1000 1000
swap v1 v2后:
1000 487 227 1000 489 173 420 1000 1000 1000
856 487 227 911 489 173 420 972 911 591