Business Meeting - Lesson 10

Business Meeting - Lesson 10

作者: 他瑞Taurui | 来源:发表于2022-04-13 15:03 被阅读0次

    Ending a Meeting

    Shawn, on behalf of all the attendees, I want to thank you for leading such an interesting and productive meeting. I think we have all learned something here today and we have a clear action plan for the next steps.

    productive – effective at getting work done well and quickly

    Our secretary will type up the minutes for today’s meeting and we’ll distribute them via email for comments. She will also reserve a conference room for next Tuesday’s meeting and you’ll be apprised of the location as soon as we know it.

    minutes – a written detailed description of what was discussed during a meeting used as a record of the meeting

    Please sign your names on this sheet of paper before leaving today, so that we’ll have a record of who was at today’s meeting. Our secretary will type up a list with your contact information, and we’ll disseminate the participant list to all of you.

    to disseminate – to distribute; to give something to many people; to circulate

    For now, I’m adjourning this meeting. We will see each other again next Tuesday. Thank you to all of you for your participation.

    to adjourn – to end something, especially a meeting; to stop something



        本文标题:Business Meeting - Lesson 10
