China's surging exports widen trade surplus with U.S.
选自CNN, 英文原文网址为:
1.China's exporters have had a blockbuster year.
2.Exports to the United States surged 15% in 2017, helping push the country's huge trade surplus with the U.S. to a new record, according to Chinese government data released Friday.
“surge”又一次出现了,“surge+***%”,看来本文作者很爱这个词,很爱用海浪猛冲的感觉表达飞速增长。“push”这个词又简单又动感,“push to a new record”很好理解。
3.The U.S. government hasn't announced its own trade figures for the whole of 2017, but experts say they are also likely to show a massive deficit with China.
赤字(deficit),360百科给出的解释是多用于财政,意为亏本;说到进出口贸易中的赤字,就不得不提贸易逆差(trade deficit),与贸易顺差(trade surplus)相反。
4.That's unlikely to sit well with President Trump, who focuses on America's balance of trade as the key measure of economic relations with other countries even though economists say it paints an incomplete picture.
贸易平衡(balance of trade),简化一下360百科给出的解释,那就是进口和出口之间的平衡态势。
5."The record high trade surplus is likely to lead to more trade disputes between China and the U.S.," said Tommy Xie, an economist at Singaporean bank OCBC.
贸易争端(trade dispute),不再赘言。
6.China benefited from increasing momentum in the wider global economy last year: the country's overall exports increased 11%, according to government data. And American demand was a big part of that.
一提到“momentum”,就会有力量满满准备起跑的感觉,“increasing momentum”感觉就好像一直在打鸡血,而且越打越多,如果说把这两个词拿来形容2017年全球的经济形式,那无疑是增长势头迅猛(increasing momentum);另,increase+***%的模式与surge+***%的模式相同。
7.The "continued strength of China's exports to the U.S. ... is bound to add to U.S.-China trade tensions," Louis Kuijs, head of Asia economics at research firm Oxford Economics, noted on Friday.
给“increasing momentum”换身衣服就变成了“continued strength”;“trade tensions”和上文的“trade dispute”相似,但是大局感更强,能想象出整个局势都很紧张。
8.U.S. data show that the deficit in goods trade with China was already $347 billion in 2016.
9.Trump campaigned on a promise to get tough on Chinese trade practices, but he pulled his punches last year. He failed to follow through on a pledge to label Beijing a currency manipulator and a threat to slap huge tariffs on Chinese goods.
几个单词组合拳写出了特朗普政府的态度。***来硬的***手下留情***没按原计划诋毁***(get tough on***pulled his punches***failed to follow through on a pledge***)。另外这句话中还有两个词也用得挺有动感,一是“label”,有种贴大字报的既视感,给中国贴上了“汇率操纵者(currency manipulator)的标签”,二是“slap“,有种拍桌子的既视感,把关税既拍到了桌子上又拍到了中国产品脸上。
10.Experts say they fear the situation could deteriorate this year, though.
11.Trump will have opportunities to impose tariffs on a range of Chinese goods. If he does, it could provoke tit-for-tat reprisals from Beijing.
“impose”用起来比“slap”保守很多,如果说特朗普政府要给中国产品施加关税的话(impose tariffs on),中国肯定也会予以还击(tit-for-tat reprisals)。其实原文的语气比较重,如果按字对字来看的话,应该翻译成激起(provoke)中国以牙还牙(tit-for-tat)的报复心(reprisals),不过,是不是挺小家子气?
12.What's more, if China's economy slows this year as some experts predict, that could widen the trade deficit further.
13.Economists expect China's economy to grow about 6.4% this year, down from around 6.8% in 2017. That could mean softening demand for imports as Chinese businesses and consumers tighten their belts.
最直接最简单的表达,“***,down from ***%”;还有两个词语刚好中英文相互对应:“消费需求疲软”刚好对应“softening demand”,“勒紧裤腰带”刚好对应“tighten their belts”。
14.This "may create tensions with its trading partners," said Capital Economics economist Julian Evans-Pritchard in a note to clients on Friday.