
For the past 10 years (and change), I have been covering exercise science in this column. During that time, I have seen interest in high-intensity exercisesoar and enthusiasmfor barefoot running fizzle. We have learned contracting muscles talk to baby neurons,creativity blooms from walking, a minute of exertion can be ample, aging is elastic and achubbydog may be our best exercise motivator.
我看到人们对赤脚跑步的热情减退,fizzle与enthusiasm 这对cp你们磕了么?反正小沬已经妥妥被圈粉了。兴趣高涨与热情减退的对比,soar 与 fizzle 之间的精彩较量。散步可以激发创造力,creativity 做主语配上bloom 玩出花了。chubby 这个词可爱度满分!
Perhaps most obviously, this has been a decade of greatest HIITs, with multiple studies and subsequent columns reiterating that super-short, strenuous workouts — known as high-intensity interval training — improve fitness and health to about the same extent as much longer, more moderate exercise. Since 2010, I have covered seven-minute, four-minute, one-minute, 20-second and 10-second interval routines,with each workout’s declining length increasing its allure. For many of us,the exercise of choice may be the briefest.
HIITs(高强度间歇训练)堪称近两年运动界新宠,锻炼时间越短越潮,这波 with 结构加名词化的处理必须借鉴,with...declining length increasing its allure 完全避免了动词或者形容词的堆砌。the briefest 意指耗时最短的锻炼,而首选的健身活动则直接用 of choice 做后置定语,言简意赅。


Getting in shape is much easier if you have a plan. Without one, you are likely to besetting yourself up for failure.
The problem is that most people simply don’t have the right strategies to adhere to a program when barriers get in the way, said James Annesi, the vice president of research and evaluation at the YMCA of Metro Atlanta and a professor of health promotion at Kennesaw State University in Georgia. In his research, Dr. Annesi has found that one of the most powerful ways to ensure that you adhere to an exercise routine is to set very specific goals. “With goal setting, the natural tendency is to set a very lofty goal— and then you get disappointed when you don’t obtain it quickly,” he said. That canderail your long-term progress. “You have to find a way to empower yourself to get through these barriers,” Dr. Annesi said.
不制定目标计划意味着计划失败,直接 set yourself up for failure。目标具体化是保证日常锻炼最有效的方式,然而持之以恒 adhere to an exercise routine 绝非易事。对于 a very lofty goal,大家务必要小心,毕竟登高易跌重。阻碍你的长期发展,直接使用 derail 一词,形象化逆天,类似地我们也可以说derail the peace process(扰乱和平进程)。


At the same time, though,a wealth ofother studies this decade underscored that gentle exercise is also meaningful, even if it barely qualifies as exercise. In one of my favorite studies from this year, researchers found that older women who regularly strolled about two miles a day, or a little more than 4,000 steps, lived longer than women who covered only about 2,000 steps, or a mile.Going that lone extra mile altered how long and well women lived.
看见 a wealth of,大家有没有想起上一期我们提到的a crop of?拒绝一成不变的表达,给步行换换衣服,不要一个walk走遍天下,strolled about two miles 和 covered only about 2,000 steps 很亮眼。这额外的一英里就能改变女性的寿命和健康状况,你敢信?有没有想立刻走几圈的冲动?
In fact, arecurring concern of exercise science this decade has been whether and how exercise reshapes aging, and the results generally suggest that it does — and pervasively. In various recent studies, active older people’s muscles, immune systems, blood cells and even skin appeared biologically younger, at a molecular level, than those of sedentarypeople.
recurring concern 反复关注可还行?运动到底能否以及如何改变衰老过程?往下看it does,实锤,并且研究结果普遍确实如此,pervasively一出,权威的说服力。小沬瞅瞅自己,显然属于sedentary people 大军的一员,有点小忧伤,谁能抵挡 biologically younger 的诱惑呢?
Their brains also tended to look and work differently. In what may be, for me, the most inspiring area of fitness research from the past decade, scientists have found and reaffirmed the extent to which movement, of almost any kind and amount, mayremakehow we think and feel. In one study after another, physical activity beneficiallyremodeledthe brains of children and the middle-aged; lowered people’s risks for dementia or, ifdementiahad already begun, slowed memory loss; and increased brain volume, tissue health and the quality of connections between neurons and different portions of the brain.
remake、remodel 以及 reshape,各种重塑排排站,统统收入囊中。体育活动可以降低人患痴呆症的风险,希望 dementia 可以离我们远远的。运动的好处这么多,你心动了咩?
Exercise also seems able to buoy moodsfar more than most of us, including scientists, might have expected 10 years ago. In observational studies, physically active people proved to be much less likely to develop depression or anxiety than sedentary people, no matter what types of activities they chose.
运动对情绪的提振效果似乎远远超出我们大多数人,包括科学家在10年前的估计,buoy moods 可还行?无论选择何种类型的活动,久坐不动者比经常锻炼者更易罹患抑郁症或焦虑症。看见比较级 much less likely to develop depression or anxiety than sedentary people,我立马站了起来,已经坐在电脑前码了半天字,有点心慌慌。今日份之比较级神威,你触电了吗?
One of the other big themes of exercise science in the 2010s is that bodies in motion seem to develop interior ecosystems that differ, in fundamental ways, from those of the sedentary. People who exerciseharbordifferent types and amounts of proteins in their bloodstreams, for instance, even if they have not been working out recently, and these patterns of proteins may play a role in reducing risks for metabolic problems such as diabetes or heart disease.
经常运动者的血液中含有不同类型和数量的蛋白质,不是have,不是 contain,居然是 harbor,与 bloodstream 搭配在一起简直太有画面感了,绝美!


But many questions remain unanswered about the cellular effects of exercise throughout the body. It’s also unknown whether changes at the cellular level differ depending on factors like how much and in what fashion we exercise, our age, ourhealth historyand whether we happen to be a man, a woman or a mouse. I suspect this will be of great interest to exercise scientists in the decade ahead.
我们也不知道细胞水平的变化是否会因我们锻炼的程度、方式、年龄、健康状况以及我们的性别等因素而有所不同,人类和小鼠的情况是否会有不同。健康状况health history,你学到了么?Factors like how much and in what fashion...and whether we happen to be 一气呵成,不要太爽。
I also look forward to researchers refining more precisely just how much — or little — exercise we need, and whether those needs differ as we ageor if wish todeploy exercise to fend off or treat specific conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes or a family history of weight problems.
Age作为动词的用法是真的很香,简单却能出彩。如果亟需通过锻炼来预防或治疗高血压、糖尿病或遗传体重问题等特定疾病,圈重点,deploy exercise有点新鲜。预防疾病还可以用 fend off 这个词组哦。
I hope, too, that scientists might eventually help us to better understand why, with everything we know about the benefits of exercise, so few of us manage to get up and work out regularly. But there could be hope in redirecting our focus. In what may be the most charming fitness study of the 2010s, sedentary dog owners who had been reluctant to exercise but were told by their veterinarians that their pets were too heavy and in danger of health problemsincreased both their own and their pets’ walking times.
