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Care about the opinions of other

Care about the opinions of other

作者: 焦小糖的育儿手记 | 来源:发表于2019-04-04 23:18 被阅读60次

    In my memory, if I can't do something well, my parents and teachers will be unhappy, even scolded. Maybe in this way, I developed this personality of caring about other people's opinions.

    When I grow up, people will ask me what unit you work in and how much your salary is. It seems that if my work is not good and the salary is not high, it will be very embarrassing and will be looked down upon by others.

    Now, I don't have a job. I take care of my child at home, and I'm often questioned that why don't you let your parents to take care of your child and go back to work?

    What's more, when my child walks and talks, it will be evaluated by others. After my child goes to school, the child's academic performance and school will become the object of people's evaluation.

    It's like a reincarnation.

    In fact, I often can't get out of this psychological barrier. But think about it carefully, living is not for people to see. My grades, whether I have a good job, whether my salary is high or low, whether my child is good or not, have nothing to do with others.

    We don't need to be judged by others. More importantly, we need to live for ourselves, not for others.



        本文标题:Care about the opinions of other
