“antidote”的本意是“解毒药”(= a substance that stops the harmful effects of a poison),常被引申为表示“矫正方法”“缓解作用”“有效手段”(=something that corrects or improves the bad effects of something),和我们中文里的“一剂良药”完美对应。如果在写作中恰当使用 antidote,可以显示不凡的词汇水平。英英释义:something that helps to improve the effects of something bad or negative
① 我们常说的“何以解忧,唯有杜康”,说的是很多人认为只有酒才能消除忧虑。这时就可以用英文说:
Some people believe that alcohol can offer a quick antidote to depression.
② 米歇尔•奥巴马在回忆录Becoming中用到了 3 次 antidote,其中一处写到祖父(外号“Southside”)非常喜欢音乐时,她说:
Music seemed to be an antidote to his worries, a way to relax and crowd them out. When Southside had a payday for his carpentry work, he’d sometimes splurge and buy himself a new album.
“Music seemed to be an antidote to his worries”说的就是音乐可以解忧,缓解压力。我们可以根据这个意思用 antidote 造句,比如说音乐的功效时就可以说:
It seems that music serves as a powerful antidote to worries. Music provides the perfect antidote to loneliness and boredom.
③ 经典工作效率提升指南Getting Things Done中,开篇也出现了 antidote:
This is the vaccination against day-to-day firefighting and an antidote for the imbalance many people bring upon themselves.
vaccination 是“疫苗”,在这里表示“预防措施”,antidote 是“解药”,在这里表示“矫正方法”。当我们想表示一个工具、方法的有效性时,就可以用到 vaccination 和 antidote 这类词汇。句子中的 firefighting 和 imbalance 写出了上班族的狼狈,vaccination 和 antidote 和它们一一对应,相比“a good way/method”这样的表达,它们更生动、灵活和恰当,建议直接把这段话背下来。
effective 有效的解毒药 natural 天然的解毒药
动词(verb) +antidote(解毒药)
administer, give 用解毒药。 The doctor administered an antidote. 医生用了一种解毒药。
~ for 针对…的解毒药;治疗…的药。 Quinine is a natural antidote for this fever. 奎宁是治疗这种热病的天然药。
~ to 对…的解毒剂。 We do not have an effective antidote to this poison. 我们没有针对这种毒的有效解毒剂。
effective, good, perfect, powerful 有效的/ 好的/ 绝好的/ 高效的矫正方法
动词(verb) +antidote(矫正方法)
act as, serve as 作为…的矫正方法;用作…的矫正方法
offer, provide 发挥缓解作用。 The resort offers the perfect antidote to the pressures of modern life. 这个旅游胜地是缓解现代生活压力的好地方。
~ for 消除…的方法/ 良药。 I think that stricter punishment is the best antidote for crime. 我认为更严厉的惩罚是打击犯罪的最佳方法。
~ to 消除…的手段。 Creative activity serves as an effective antidote to depression. 创作活动是消除抑郁的有效手段。
Working out is a powerful antidote to anxiety.
Regular exercise serves as a potent antidote to alleviate anxiety.
Regular exercise is an effective antidote for meliorating anxiety.
(3)例子:It seemed that practicing writing serves as a powerful antidote to wrathful emotion for him. Although he's not good at it, he feel very comfortable and peace in heart when copying.
场景 : 尽快他并不擅长,却会在练字时感受到舒适平和,练字确实是一种极有效的缓解愤怒的手段。