美丽中国9-11集 字幕分享

美丽中国9-11集 字幕分享

作者: DobbyBunny | 来源:发表于2021-03-01 10:27 被阅读0次

    <英语练习好素材 文中视频截图来自哔哩哔哩 单词例句来自欧路词典>

    09. Huge Bonsai between Water and Sky 水天之间的巨型盆景 武夷山


    Wuyi Mountain, located in the southeastern part of China, has a total area of about 1,000 square kilometers. It has the largest nature reserve in Fujian Province, and the largest existing subtropical primary forest system in the same latitude zone in the world. Wuyi Mountain is deeply influenced by a fault zone, which controls the direction of the ridge line. The other faults divide the mountain into several fault blocks and form many deep valleys. The Tongmuguan 桐木关 Fault Zone is the center of the faults, forming a spectacular “V”-shaped grand canyon. The intense tectonic movements of millions of years ago gifted Wuyi Mountain a magnificent Danxia landform 丹霞地貌, which differs from the Danxia landform in Northwest China. Many of the rocks surfaces are covered with different shades of vegetation, creating a blush on the huge green mountains. The Goddess Peak 玉女峰, the symbol of Wuyi Mountain, is the typical residual Danxia landform left by the faults. The Goddess Peak is the last remaining pillar of the surrounding rocks after the collapse. There are many cracks in the karst rocks of Wuyi Mountain. After millions of years of scouring and cutting by water flowing through them, many streams have been formed around the mountain. Sitting on bamboo rafts and following the stream, tourists can enjoy the scenery of Wuyi Mountain along the way.


    nature reserve 自然保护区

    fault zone 断裂带

    ridge line 山脊线

    karst landform 喀斯特地貌

    pillar 柱子

    scour 冲刷

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    10. The Rainbow Hill of China 中国的彩虹山


    In Northwest China, there is a chain of undulating hills called Colorful Zhangye Danxia. Here you can find the colors of the rainbow. The terrain is so hostile that even grass struggles to survive. So where did this palette of colors come from? It’s hard to imagine, but this area was once a lake. The multi-colored hills are the result of the long geological evolution of the lakebed. Changes in temperature and humidity, as well as the existence of various mineral elements, and the differing iron content in lake sediments especially, gave rise to the spectrum of colors. Part of the ancient Silk Road, it is said that Marco Polo nice visited here over 700 years ago. However, compared to Marco Polo, today we can have much more fun.

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    undulating vi. vet. (使)波动,起伏; adj. 波状的

    The sail undulated gently in the breeze.

    terrain 地形,地面

    Nearly 90% of the area of Guizhou Province is mountain terrain.

    hostile 敌意的

    The journalists who ask the question seem hostile.

    spectrum 光谱;范围

    11. West Lake 西湖


    There are no less than 30 lakes named “West lake” in China. But the West Lake in Hangzhou is the best known of them all. It is located in Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province on the southeastern coast. And the city is known as the Paradise of the World in China. Thousands of years ago, the West Lake was connected to the sea. The Qiantang River, not far away from the West Lake, enters the sea in the eastern part of this area. Sediment deposited by the river eventually blocked the connection between the West Lake and the sea, making it an inland water feature. Since the 9th century A.D., the beatiful scenery of the West Lake in all seasons has appeared time and again in poems, stories and legends. It’s roughly estimated there are about 630 legends of the West Lake alone. In 2011, West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou was included on the World Heritage List. It is visited by an endless stream of international tourists. Perhaps some of them will add their own stories to West Lake’s wealth of literature.

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