

作者: 古剑诛仙 | 来源:发表于2019-07-14 08:25 被阅读0次


    1. 等式:-n = ~(n - 1) = ~n + 1(-n等于其各位取反加1);

    2. 获取整数n的二进制中最后一个1:-n&n 或(~n+1)&n或 ~(n - 1)&n;
      如:n = 010100,则 -n = 101100, n&(n - 1)=000100;

    3. 去掉整数n的二进制中最后一个1:n&(n - 1)。如:n = 010100, n -1 = 010011, n&(n - 1) = 010000。

    加法 a + b


    用 ^,&和<<即可实现,,a&b可得到各位产生的进位值。

    如:a=010010, b=100111,计算过程如下:

    1. 每轮首先判断b是否为0,为0则结束,把a的值作为结果返回
    2. 第一轮:通过(a&b)=000010 得出a+b结果中需要进位的位置
      (a&b)<<1 将进位的值全体左移一位后,表示进位部分进位后的值
    3. 第二轮:a^b=110001,(a&b)<<1=001000(进位)。进位大于0,进入下一轮:a=110001,b=001000;
    4. 第三轮:a^b=111001,(a&b)<<1=000000(进位)。进位等于0,终止;


    int add1(int a, int b)
        int carry; // 进位
        while (b!=0)
            carry = (a & b) << 1; // a & b取各位的进位,进位作用于对应位的高1位
            a = a ^ b;
            b = carry;
        return a;
    int add2(int a, int b)
        if (0 == b) return a;
            int carry = (a & b) << 1;
            a = a ^ b;
            return add2(a, carry);
    // 简化版
    //  return b ? add2(a^b,(a&b)<<1) : a;


    由a-b=a+(-b),~(b-1)=-b可得a-b=a+(-b)=a+((b-1))=a+b + 1。把减法转化为加法即可。

    int sub(int a, int b)
        return add(a, add(~b, 1));



    *  1010  
      10110 (1011<<1,相当于乘以0010)  
    1011000 (1011<<3,相当于乘以1000)  

    可以看到,二进制乘法的原理是:从乘数的低位到高位,遇到1并且这个1在乘数的右起第i(i从0开始数)位,那么就把被乘数左移i位得到 temp_i 。直到乘数中的1遍历完后,把根据各位1而得到的被乘数的左移值们 temp_i 相加起来即得乘法结果。那么根据这个原理,可以得到实现代码:这里要点为:用i记录当前遍历的乘数位,当前位为1则被乘数左移i位并加到和中,同时i++处理下一位;为0则乘数右移,i++,处理下一位......直到乘数==0说明乘数中的1遍历完了。此时把和返回即可。

    // 值得注意的是网上的程序片段中使用的>>代表算术右移,而在考虑到补码
    // 符号位为1的可能性的时候必须采用逻辑右移>>>,不然会死循环
    int multi(int a,int b){
            int i=0;
            int res=0;
            return res;


    image.png image.png


         * Returns a BigInteger whose value is {@code (this * val)}.
         * @implNote An implementation may offer better algorithmic
         * performance when {@code val == this}.
         * @param  val value to be multiplied by this BigInteger.
         * @return {@code this * val}
        public BigInteger multiply(BigInteger val) {
            if (val.signum == 0 || signum == 0)
                return ZERO;
            int xlen = mag.length;
            if (val == this && xlen > MULTIPLY_SQUARE_THRESHOLD) {
                return square();
            int ylen = val.mag.length;
            if ((xlen < KARATSUBA_THRESHOLD) || (ylen < KARATSUBA_THRESHOLD)) {
                int resultSign = signum == val.signum ? 1 : -1;
                if (val.mag.length == 1) {
                    return multiplyByInt(mag,val.mag[0], resultSign);
                if (mag.length == 1) {
                    return multiplyByInt(val.mag,mag[0], resultSign);
                int[] result = multiplyToLen(mag, xlen,
                                             val.mag, ylen, null);
                result = trustedStripLeadingZeroInts(result);
                return new BigInteger(result, resultSign);
            } else {
                if ((xlen < TOOM_COOK_THRESHOLD) && (ylen < TOOM_COOK_THRESHOLD)) {
                    return multiplyKaratsuba(this, val);
                } else {
                    return multiplyToomCook3(this, val);
         * Multiplies two BigIntegers using the Karatsuba multiplication
         * algorithm.  This is a recursive divide-and-conquer algorithm which is
         * more efficient for large numbers than what is commonly called the
         * "grade-school" algorithm used in multiplyToLen.  If the numbers to be
         * multiplied have length n, the "grade-school" algorithm has an
         * asymptotic complexity of O(n^2).  In contrast, the Karatsuba algorithm
         * has complexity of O(n^(log2(3))), or O(n^1.585).  It achieves this
         * increased performance by doing 3 multiplies instead of 4 when
         * evaluating the product.  As it has some overhead, should be used when
         * both numbers are larger than a certain threshold (found
         * experimentally).
         * See:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karatsuba_algorithm
        private static BigInteger multiplyKaratsuba(BigInteger x, BigInteger y) {
            int xlen = x.mag.length;
            int ylen = y.mag.length;
            // The number of ints in each half of the number.
            int half = (Math.max(xlen, ylen)+1) / 2;
            // xl and yl are the lower halves of x and y respectively,
            // xh and yh are the upper halves.
            BigInteger xl = x.getLower(half);
            BigInteger xh = x.getUpper(half);
            BigInteger yl = y.getLower(half);
            BigInteger yh = y.getUpper(half);
            BigInteger p1 = xh.multiply(yh);  // p1 = xh*yh
            BigInteger p2 = xl.multiply(yl);  // p2 = xl*yl
            // p3=(xh+xl)*(yh+yl)
            BigInteger p3 = xh.add(xl).multiply(yh.add(yl));
            // result = p1 * 2^(32*2*half) + (p3 - p1 - p2) * 2^(32*half) + p2
            BigInteger result = p1.shiftLeft(32*half).add(p3.subtract(p1).subtract(p2)).shiftLeft(32*half).add(p2);
            if (x.signum != y.signum) {
                return result.negate();
            } else {
                return result;


         * Multiplies two BigIntegers using a 3-way Toom-Cook multiplication
         * algorithm.  This is a recursive divide-and-conquer algorithm which is
         * more efficient for large numbers than what is commonly called the
         * "grade-school" algorithm used in multiplyToLen.  If the numbers to be
         * multiplied have length n, the "grade-school" algorithm has an
         * asymptotic complexity of O(n^2).  In contrast, 3-way Toom-Cook has a
         * complexity of about O(n^1.465).  It achieves this increased asymptotic
         * performance by breaking each number into three parts and by doing 5
         * multiplies instead of 9 when evaluating the product.  Due to overhead
         * (additions, shifts, and one division) in the Toom-Cook algorithm, it
         * should only be used when both numbers are larger than a certain
         * threshold (found experimentally).  This threshold is generally larger
         * than that for Karatsuba multiplication, so this algorithm is generally
         * only used when numbers become significantly larger.
         * The algorithm used is the "optimal" 3-way Toom-Cook algorithm outlined
         * by Marco Bodrato.
         *  See: http://bodrato.it/toom-cook/
         *       http://bodrato.it/papers/#WAIFI2007
         * "Towards Optimal Toom-Cook Multiplication for Univariate and
         * Multivariate Polynomials in Characteristic 2 and 0." by Marco BODRATO;
         * In C.Carlet and B.Sunar, Eds., "WAIFI'07 proceedings", p. 116-133,
         * LNCS #4547. Springer, Madrid, Spain, June 21-22, 2007.
        private static BigInteger multiplyToomCook3(BigInteger a, BigInteger b) {
            int alen = a.mag.length;
            int blen = b.mag.length;
            int largest = Math.max(alen, blen);
            // k is the size (in ints) of the lower-order slices.
            int k = (largest+2)/3;   // Equal to ceil(largest/3)
            // r is the size (in ints) of the highest-order slice.
            int r = largest - 2*k;
            // Obtain slices of the numbers. a2 and b2 are the most significant
            // bits of the numbers a and b, and a0 and b0 the least significant.
            BigInteger a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2;
            a2 = a.getToomSlice(k, r, 0, largest);
            a1 = a.getToomSlice(k, r, 1, largest);
            a0 = a.getToomSlice(k, r, 2, largest);
            b2 = b.getToomSlice(k, r, 0, largest);
            b1 = b.getToomSlice(k, r, 1, largest);
            b0 = b.getToomSlice(k, r, 2, largest);
            BigInteger v0, v1, v2, vm1, vinf, t1, t2, tm1, da1, db1;
            v0 = a0.multiply(b0);
            da1 = a2.add(a0);
            db1 = b2.add(b0);
            vm1 = da1.subtract(a1).multiply(db1.subtract(b1));
            da1 = da1.add(a1);
            db1 = db1.add(b1);
            v1 = da1.multiply(db1);
            v2 = da1.add(a2).shiftLeft(1).subtract(a0).multiply(
            vinf = a2.multiply(b2);
            // The algorithm requires two divisions by 2 and one by 3.
            // All divisions are known to be exact, that is, they do not produce
            // remainders, and all results are positive.  The divisions by 2 are
            // implemented as right shifts which are relatively efficient, leaving
            // only an exact division by 3, which is done by a specialized
            // linear-time algorithm.
            t2 = v2.subtract(vm1).exactDivideBy3();
            tm1 = v1.subtract(vm1).shiftRight(1);
            t1 = v1.subtract(v0);
            t2 = t2.subtract(t1).shiftRight(1);
            t1 = t1.subtract(tm1).subtract(vinf);
            t2 = t2.subtract(vinf.shiftLeft(1));
            tm1 = tm1.subtract(t2);
            // Number of bits to shift left.
            int ss = k*32;
            BigInteger result = vinf.shiftLeft(ss).add(t2).shiftLeft(ss).add(t1).shiftLeft(ss).add(tm1).shiftLeft(ss).add(v0);
            if (a.signum != b.signum) {
                return result.negate();
            } else {
                return result;
         * Returns a slice of a BigInteger for use in Toom-Cook multiplication.
         * @param lowerSize The size of the lower-order bit slices.
         * @param upperSize The size of the higher-order bit slices.
         * @param slice The index of which slice is requested, which must be a
         * number from 0 to size-1. Slice 0 is the highest-order bits, and slice
         * size-1 are the lowest-order bits. Slice 0 may be of different size than
         * the other slices.
         * @param fullsize The size of the larger integer array, used to align
         * slices to the appropriate position when multiplying different-sized
         * numbers.
        private BigInteger getToomSlice(int lowerSize, int upperSize, int slice,
                                        int fullsize) {
            int start, end, sliceSize, len, offset;
            len = mag.length;
            offset = fullsize - len;
            if (slice == 0) {
                start = 0 - offset;
                end = upperSize - 1 - offset;
            } else {
                start = upperSize + (slice-1)*lowerSize - offset;
                end = start + lowerSize - 1;
            if (start < 0) {
                start = 0;
            if (end < 0) {
               return ZERO;
            sliceSize = (end-start) + 1;
            if (sliceSize <= 0) {
                return ZERO;
            // While performing Toom-Cook, all slices are positive and
            // the sign is adjusted when the final number is composed.
            if (start == 0 && sliceSize >= len) {
                return this.abs();
            int intSlice[] = new int[sliceSize];
            System.arraycopy(mag, start, intSlice, 0, sliceSize);
            return new BigInteger(trustedStripLeadingZeroInts(intSlice), 1);




