A busy, but nice, work day trip

A busy, but nice, work day trip

作者: 我的澳洲日记 | 来源:发表于2019-04-28 19:40 被阅读0次

👉Unexpected moment: I was approached by strangers a few times. Do I look so approachable 😛 or people here are very friendly? I think it has to be both.

Frequently asked questions, get prepared guys if you are not a local:😎

- Where are you from?

-  How long have you been in Adelaide?

👉Proud moment: even though a lot of babies were crying on the plane, I still managed to get a lot of reading done. 💪

👉Lesson learned: Next time, try to book a front seat. I noticed parents with babies usually sit in the back, right? I am still waiting for this answer to be confirmed 💭

👉Highlights of the trip 💖: trying something new, catching up with my old friend, and the expo.

意外时刻:被不同的陌生人搭讪,是因为我太平易近人还是这边的人太友好?我觉得两者皆有 :)







Chat 1: At the breakfast table

My morning started with a spinach and feta quiche breakfast in the airport. The spinach doesn’t taste bitter and there are some nuts in it, giving it a bit of crunchy texture. Nice! When I was still savouring its taste, a question suddenly popping up, “Is it tasty?” Oh, who? Is the question for me? I looked up. Yes, a man from the other table next to me was looking at me and waiting.

Then the conversation started. He is a semi-retired GP, from Perth. He just came here to do some work. He said he really enjoys his current flexible work arrangement. He told me he really likes current Adelaide, because the city looks very different from 20 years ago. Noticing he was holding a Kindle, I asked which book he is reading curiously. He said it’s a science-fiction book. One thing that intrigued him the most was he thought the medical technology this book describes might happen in the future.

Obviously reading gives him a lot of joy, especially during his waiting time. I noticed a lot of people here prefer to read while waiting. So a lot of times the surrounding environment is very quiet, which makes it easier for you to do things that your heart desires to. I started to do it too. The environment does change people. It makes my mind more peaceful and settled. Also, one of my current priorities is to improve my writing. So whenever I read, my heart is very happy and satisfied. What a great state, haha. So my dear mind, I will try to read as much as I can, ok? 📖

闲聊1: 早餐

一天的早晨当然要从营养而美味的早餐开始。所以我从到机场的路上就开始思考而期待,我要吃什么呢?最终选择了,quiche法式咸挞(菠菜奶酪馅)。菠菜没有苦涩的味道,里面的坚果带给我了一丝惊喜,因为它增添了一丝松脆感。不错。 当我还在慢慢品尝它的味道时,突然一个问题飘来,“怎么样,好吃吗?”哦,谁? 是问我的吗? 我赶紧抬起头确认。是的,坐在我斜对面桌子的一个老爷爷正看着我,等我回答。


谈话就这样自然而然的开始了。 他是来自珀斯的医生,目前处于半退休状态。他来这里也是出差。他说他非常享受目前灵活而自由的工作安排。 他还告诉我他很喜欢如今的阿德莱德,和他20年前来的时候截然不同。 他拿着Kindle电子书,激发了我的好奇心,于是便问他在读哪本书。他说他正在读一本科幻小说。 他觉得这本书中描述的医疗科技很有意思,因为在他看来并不是凭空想象,很有可能会在将来发生。

显然,阅读给他带来了很多快乐,特别是在他候机的这段时间。 我注意到这里很多人都会选择在等待时阅读。所以你会发现很多时候,周围安静而祥和。我很喜欢这种感觉,它让你不会很浮躁,而让你能更容易沉下心去做你内心真正想做的事。我也渐渐开始在等车登机前去阅读。环境真的可以影响人。它使我的内心平和而安定。 而且,我目前的重点之一就是提高写作能力。 所以每当我阅读时,内心就会开心而满足。多么正能量的状态,对吗?哈哈。我亲爱的内心,想对你说,我会在往后尽可能多地去阅读的;)

Chat 2: At Airport Lounge

After finished my breakfast, I walked to the check-in counter. I REALLY hoped that I could be allowed to bring my banner to the plane, because it could save me a bit of time. But the answer is no. Well, ok, I accepted the fact. Sometimes in life, rather than complaining or making a fuss of it, the best way is to simply accept it without getting your emotions involved. Because it’s not worth your precious time at all. Only control what you can control. Spend your time on the things and the people you like, would that be wiser?

The guy, stood in front of the gate with an oversize sign, was very friendly. When he saw me walking towards him, he smiled at me from a distance and asked me in a cheerful and surprised tone: oh, is this for me? Life needs this upbeat service, right? 🙌So be responsible for the energy you bring to the world.

When I walked to my airport lounge, I noticed that over the other side there were a few paintings on the wall. For a person who likes art, my default action is to check them out. They looked considerably simple and even a bit childish, but I like them. I guess one reason is I could really relate to them. The themes are all about Adelaide, especially the Elder Park one, which is one of my favourite places. The other reason is the colour, very bright and showy, full of energy and hope.


早餐完毕后,我来到值机柜台。当时内心各种祈祷,希望我能把学校的宣传广告牌直接带到飞机上,因为这样比较省时间。但,还是被现实拒绝了。好吧,那我就接受事实咯。 这让我想到,其实生活中很多时候都是一样,与其抱怨或是大发雷霆,最好的方法是简单地去接受它,不要让你的情绪受到不可逆转的事情的影响。 因为它真的不值得你花费人生的宝贵时间。记住,去控制你可以控制的东西,把时间花在你喜欢的事儿和人儿身上,这样更明智,不是吗?

站在寄存不规则行李门前的工作人员非常友好。 在我走向他时,远远的就朝我微笑,还故意用一种很惊喜的语气问我:哦,这是给我的吗?我们的生活真的需要这种积极幽默的服务,大家开心才是真开心,对吧?你要为你给周围人带去的能量负责。

当我走到我的候机室时,我注意到对面不远的墙上挂着几幅画。对于喜欢艺术的我而言,想都没想,就径直大步迈向它们。 画作看起来相当简单,甚至对某些人而言可能还有些幼稚,但我却喜欢它们。 我想原因之一是画作的主题我很熟悉,很容易产生共鸣。 他们都是阿德莱德的一些景点,特别是Elder公园那幅,谁让我是公园的死忠粉呢。 另一个原因是画作的颜色,非常的明亮而鲜艳,充满活力与希望。

Painting 画作之一

When I walked to the last painting, three people were standing and chatting there. They looked in their 50s. The name of this painting was hidden by them. So I went over and asked whether they could move a bit. One guy said, “Sure. BTW, I am the painter of this one. ” I was thinking, you must be joking. Then he laughed, and we started to talk. 2nd random chat of the day. See, a lot of times, a conversation can happen so easily. Isn’t that nice? If everyone does that, then the world wouldn’t have any strangers. 💗

That would be very cool. A lot of people nowadays complain: the world is so isolated, and everyone is on their phone. We don’t really talk to one another anymore. “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Why not start with yourself? 🙋

Then I found out the other guy is a photographer. Haha, TESTing time. 😉So I requested: “Could you please take a photo of me?” Sure. He did take it from a more unique angle. I like it. Then I talked with the other guy when we walked to the plane together. He was a happy person. He said there are a lot of unhappy things in the world already, so why not bringing happiness to our life? Great attitude. BTW, one icebreaker tip from me is to ask people’s heritage and their favourite restaurants 🍲

当我走到最后一幅画前时,看见三个人正站在那儿聊天。 他们差不多五六十岁的样子。这幅画的名字恰巧被他们挡住了。 所以我走上前去,问他们是否可以稍微挪一下。 其中的一个人说:“当然。 对了,我其实就是这幅画的创作人。 ”我在想,你在开玩笑吧。 然后他笑了,于是聊天模式开启。 今天的第二次闲聊。 很多时候,谈话发生真的超级自然。 这样多好,不是吗? 如果每个人都这样做,那么相信这个世界就不会再有陌生人了吧。现如今,很多人抱怨,当今大家彼此隔离,每个人眼中只有手机。 我们没有了面对面的交谈。甘地,成为你想要看见的改变。对啊, 为什么不先从自己开始改变呢?因为只有Ta是你可以控制的:)

聊天中我知道了另一个人是摄影师。 哈哈,测试时间到。所以我请求道:“可以麻烦您帮我拍张照片吗?”当然可以, 他说。他确实从一个比较独特的角度拍了下面的照片。 我很喜欢。 然后我就一边聊一边和另一个人来到了飞机上。 可以看到他是一个快乐的人。 他说世界上已经有很多不愉快的事情了,所以为什么不把更多的快乐带到生活里来呢? 我喜欢这样积极的态度。 顺便插一句,分享下我的破冰小技巧之一,询问人们的文化背景和他们最喜欢的餐厅 :)

Interesting angle 特别的角度

Welcome on board (Plane time) ✈

Got on the plane. I felt a bit tired. I didn’t sleep well last night. I thought I wouldn’t be able to do any reading during the flight. But to my surprise, after I rested for a while, I started to read an eBook in my iPad, Big Magic. It talks about creativity. I felt as if the author was speaking to me.

There are a few points I really like in this book 😻:

·       📗You shouldn’t give yourself too many external burdens, such as being famous, or expecting everyone likes your work. Instead, you should look for internal, focusing more on realising your creativity for your own happiness.

·        📘 Have a day time job so you won’t make your creativity so stress out and run away.

·        📕 Do the things you like every day, and it’s never too late to try something you like. The author Elizabeth Gilbert told the story of a 90 years old lady. When she was 80, she discovered something she really liked. So she started to do it. 10 years later, she became an expert in that field. If she can make it, why can’t we? Start now if you have something that you think is really calling you. And don’t complain while doing it.

Whenever I felt tired after reading for a while, I would stop, and look at the clouds (Hello, candy floss), and enjoy the snack given by the flight attendant. Today I got a cranberry cookie. Crunchy but not too sweet, which suited me perfectly.


坐上飞机。我觉得有点儿累。可能昨晚睡得不是很好。想着在飞机上读点什么的计划应该会落空。(体力很重要啊,直接决定战斗力:))但这次,令我没有想到的是,闭目养神休息一段时间后,我竟然开始在iPad上津津有味地阅读起电子书-Big Magic来。它主要说的是创造力。我觉得作者好像在直接和我对话一样。




•每天做你喜欢的事情,尝试你喜欢的东西永远不会太晚。作者伊丽莎白就讲述了一位90岁女士的故事。当她80岁时,她发现了一件她真正喜欢的事情。于是她每天耕耘。 10年后,她成为了该领域的专家。如果她都能做到,那我们难道还有理由不放手一搏吗?如果你有真正让你心动或者让你的灵魂开心的事情,那么现在就开始,赶紧行动吧。行动的途中记住永远不要抱怨。因为不管你有没有成功,你的动机都应该很简单。那就是,让自己开心,只要尝试过就不会后悔。


A short catch up with my old friend 👩

The arrival time is 20 minutes later than the scheduled time, unfortunately. I felt very sorry, because that means I now only had 20 minutes with my friend. No. It took her 1 hour to get to the CBD from her place. We were friends back at the uni in China, so we have known each other for 10 years. Now both of us are in AU, which is wonderful. Seeing and chatting with her was lovely. She made the effort to see me really means a lot to me and warms my heart too. I hope to see her soon and could spend more time together. Thank you again.😋


飞机着陆,不过比预定到达时间晚了20分钟。虽然我知道不是我的问题,但还是觉得很对不起老友 。 因为这意味着在我参加教育展前,和她见面的时间直接缩短到只有差不多20分钟。而她从她住的地方赶到市中心都需要1小时。 我和她是大学同班同学。一晃,相识已10年。 如今我们又同在澳洲,真的是缘分不浅。 和她畅谈还是和从前一样,没有丝毫的久违感,感觉我们还在大学校园里,真好。 她赶来只为见我一面,真的让我的内心感动而温暖,因为心意在那里,大家都明白。我的老朋友,希望下次咱们的相聚可以有更多的时间。再次由衷的感谢你特别过来见我,辛苦啦。

Education Expo 💁

For the expo, I was sharing a booth with two uni staff. It was our first time seeing each other, so would it be ok? I asked myself. I didn’t know, and I didn’t expect too much. Because sometimes, lowering your expectation is the best thing you can do so you won’t get too disappointed. Agree? 😃 It turned out to be very nice. The two uni staff are sisters and they were very easy to talk to. Meeting new people is always interesting for me, because there are so many things I can explore. Hearing one of them wanted to study Chinese because of the needs she saw in this industry, I felt very pleased. Then she said she wanted to have private Chinese lessons with me. Especially after I told her sister, actually we have a shorter expression version of introducing yourself in Chinese. See, you always need to think about how to make others’ lives easier. Win-Win situation 🙌

During the expo, my job is to talk to all the students, answer their enquiries and encourage them to study with us. It is held by a Chinese agent, so all the students there were Chinese. But all of them were interested in the uni only on that day. I could easily pick up whether they really understood the information provided by the sisters. If not, I would proactively offer help to clarify or explain further. So the sisters felt very thankful for my support. I felt great too, because I could see my value here. That’s why it’s said that to make the other person feel important is a great way to win a person’s heart.

Also, when I spoke to some students, I could see something in me as well. One guy kept asking me: “is it easy to pass at this uni?” I answered: “If you want to aim high, but you don’t want to take the risk or make the effort, is it possible? If success is so easy, then where would the sense of achievement come from? If you want to be somebody, you need to be willing to make that extra effort, right?

Another nice part of the event is I received a variety of snacks 🍰together with this very cute pen.


这次的教育展,我和两名来自大学的同事共用一个展位。 这是我们第一次见对方,所以会一切顺利吗?我默默的问自己。 我不知道。 我也不想期待太多。 因为有时候,你能做的最好的事情就是降低你的期望值,这样你最后就不会太失望,各位,同意不?:) 现实结果是,这次的教育展我很享受。 这两个大学工作人员其实是姐妹,她们也很平易近人。对我而言,结识新朋友的过程总是非常有趣,因为有很多东西我可以去探索。 听到妹妹想学中文,因为极大的市场需求,我还是挺开心的。有意思的是在我告诉她姐姐之后,我们有个简化版的中文自我介绍,直接说,我叫...就好啦。 她更是表达了想跟我学中文的强烈愿望。哈哈,看,我们应该经常思考自己如何能让别人的生活更轻松,以此达到共赢,不是吗?




Small gifts 小礼物

Mini food adventure

Before getting on my return flight, I had a mini food adventure at the airport. I should make most of my short travel experience. 😀

Which juice do you think I ordered in the end?




Menu 饮品单

Of course the most special one - Herb Tonic. 😝


My order 我点的果汁

I just couldn’t imagine what two different peppers added to the juice would taste like. It was actually quite nice. Recommended 🙋

On the way home, I was sitting next to a lady with a one-year-old baby. It was so dramatic. Because I said to myself, hopefully, this time there would be no child around me. Well… Luckily, he didn’t cry much until the last half an hour. Good boy 💖He is very cute and happy, and always smiled at me. So looking at him and the beautiful sunset was very relaxing.  🌅

我无法想象将两种不同的辣椒添加到果汁中会碰撞出什么样的奇妙火花。所以带着强烈的好奇心,猛吸一口, 哇,味道很不错哦。 推荐。

在回阿德的飞机上,我坐在一位带着一名一岁婴儿的女士旁边。 这太戏剧化了吧。 因为我在上飞机的路上还对自己说,希望这次我周围可以比较安静。 嗯......然而,怕什么就来什么。不过我已经很幸运啦,因为直到最后半个小时他才哭。 好孩子!他可爱而快乐,总是对着我笑,所以时不时的看看他,还有美丽的日落,心情还是非常愉悦而放松的。

Sunset 落日

Dinner exploration + Chat 3

Where should I have my dinner then? I thought of a restaurant in my neighbourhood which I have been meaning to try. Even though I was very tired and outside was raining and windy, I still went there anyway. See, nothing can stop you if you want something so badly. Don’t try to give yourself all sorts of excuses anymore 🌟Follow your passion and keep your curiosity are always the key. Listen to what your heart tells you to do. But often, sadly, we focus too much on what others would say or look at us instead. But, sometimes we need to have a balance between our head and heart in terms of making a decision though. I am still working on that 😜

Back to the restaurant, I sat down and asked the waiter whether he wanted me to speak in Chinese or English. The waiter said it was up to me. Well, English then. I seize every opportunity to improve my English. What a great student, haha. I should have a pet on my back, I suppose? 😊

The congee was very nice🍵


晚餐要吃点什么呢? 突然想到一直很想尝试的坐落在我家附近的餐厅。尽管我已经很累,外面还下着雨刮着风,也依旧无法阻挡我的去意。 是啊,如果你真心很想做一件事,是没有什么可以阻止得了你的。所以,停止给自己各种各样的借口咯。追随你的热情和保持你的好奇心吧,它们比什么都重要。因为我们自己才是人生这艘船上的船长啊。花时间多听听你的内心真正想做什么。 但遗憾的是,我们很多时候把更多的注意力放在了如果我做了这个,别人会怎么想会怎么说,这是不是很可笑呢。但同时,我们又需要在做决定前不能让感性完全战胜理性,平衡很重要。我,还在努力的路上;)

来到餐厅,坐下,问服务员他是希望我用中文还是英文和他沟通。 服务员说取决于我。 想了想,那就英语吧。看,我抓住一切机会来提高英语。 真是个好学生,是不是该小表扬下自己呢?哈哈。


Chicken congee 鸡肉粥

But it took forever to get the other dish. Finally, it came with a different dish I ordered. The explanation was they ran out of the ingredients. I could complain, because they made the decision without my approval and they should have informed me in the beginning. But I didn’t. After a second thought, this is a chance for me to try a new dish, right? So I accepted this new food exploration challenge merrily.🌷

It was taro, chicken, mushroom wrapped with bean curd. Various texture, soft and chewing mixed together, very nice flavour.

但是我点的另外一盘菜就让我望眼欲穿了。问了好几次后, 它终于姗姗来迟。但和我点的稍有不同。我得到的解释是那道菜的有一种食材他们今天用完了。 我可以选择抱怨或投诉,因为他们未经我的同意就擅自做决定,而且也没有提前告知我。 但,我没有。 因为转念一想,这不正好是我试新菜的机会吗?所以我愉快地接受了这次的味蕾挑战。其实在当地,有很多餐厅,专门有一个选项叫惊喜菜单,顾客不知道等待他们的菜肴是什么。我很喜欢这样的理念。这样人生才有意思嘛,未知的精彩

这道菜呢,是用豆腐皮包裹了芋头,鸡肉和蘑菇。 不同的口感质地,柔软的同时又有咀嚼感,很赞。

Then the owner started to chat with me about his passion and frustration (3rd random chat 😃) He wanted non-Chinese to know traditional and authentic Chinese cuisines. However, the reality is a lot of people are only comfortable enough to try the cuisine from Sichuan province instead of others. So what could the solution be? I don’t know yet, but I can only play my part. I like the cultural exchange. I am always happy to introduce my friends to different Chinese dishes. A lot of actions ahead, for sure 🌱

What a long but lovely day. Time to sleep now. It’s already 12.15 am. But I am happy to be able to capture my day when all my memory is still vivid. Thank you, my dear experience today.✌

然后店主开始主动和我聊起天来(今天的第3次被搭讪),聊他的激情和担忧。 他希望外国人能够了解中国各种传统和正宗的菜肴,而不是仅仅局限于尝试川菜。 因为很多人不知道或者不敢尝试其他的菜系。这个问题究竟如何解决呢? 我目前还不知道,但我只能做我能做的部分。 因为我热衷文化交流。 所以我总是很乐意向朋友介绍不同的中国菜系。 未来我也会一直践行,放心;)

虽然只有一天,但觉得今天是这么的漫长而精彩,遇到很多有意思的人儿和事儿。 是时候该睡觉啦。 现在是零点十五分。 但我很高兴能够趁着我记忆还依然鲜活的情况下把故事都记录了下来。 谢谢你咯,我亲爱的经历。



      本文标题:A busy, but nice, work day trip
