
作者: 焉支闲人 | 来源:发表于2017-07-13 10:37 被阅读30次









期盼中的美好日子终于到来了,登上卡车的那一瞬间,猪猪们内心充满了骄傲和自信,看着棚子里还没有长大长胖的猪,不由得涌起一种出猪头地的感觉,浑身都是力量。忽然,脑子里奔出了徐志摩的诗句:“轻轻地我走了,正如我轻轻地来,挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩。” 就在这样充满诗意的幻想中,猪猪们被拉到了屠宰场......。

Once upon a time, there lived a bunch of pigs in the forest. They lived in a cave which was not that big. Anyway, it was a good shelter for pigs from wind and rain. There were many plants in the forest which could cater for the need of food. During summer, they could pick delicious mushrooms and some plant stem. They lead a carefree life without worrying about the food and shelter.

One day came some donkey. They saw some pigs lying on the meadow enjoying sun bath, some digging plant stem and other piglets playing together. The lead donkey stood in the center.

“Dear pigs, good time has come. You shall never work again. Your life is too narrow. Outside the forest there are wide roads and tall buildings. You will get a good variety of gourmet without working. And accommodation is provided. Sometimes you can have a taste of Japanese food and it’s all free.” said the donkey.

After pigs heard this, they began intense discussion.

“The life in the forest is way too tough. Every day we have to go out to find food while worrying about being carried away by tigers and bears. We cannot live like that anymore. We must go to the outside world and be responsible for our life.” said one pig.

“Donkeys are tricky. It is definitely a trap to live in the city. There is no free lunch. Besides, we are not sure that if we can get used to city life. Is the food really like what donkey said? In addition, I have been living in the forest for many years. I don’t wanna leave.” said another pig.

After the discussion, pigs fell into two camps. Camp A didn’t believe in donkeys and kept staying in the forest. During the day, they found food by themselves and at night they came back to the cave. They lived leisurely as usual. Camp B wanted to go to city and they believed the promise that donkeys gave them. In the city you could be provided food without labor. Whoever didn’t want to go was a fool.

Some pigs followed donkeys to the city. Everything was fine all the way and they arrived in city. Donkeys turned the pigs to the fox. Of course donkeys got a large sum of money from fox which pigs have no idea. They lived in the bright and spacious pig house. Every day they ate as much vegetables and carrots as they could. There was even mixed feed without quantity limits for them. The water system was also automatic. Just turn the tap, they could drink the cool running water. It was such a heaven as they all thought this trip was worth it.

As time went on, pigs found a mystery that after the truck took away the fat grown pigs they could never see them again. Thinking that was a bit strange, they asked the fox.

“Since more and more pigs come here, I sent some of them to another house which has better living conditions.” replied the fox.

Pigs were all soothed by the word and they were all looking forward to going to the better place. Every day they hungered for growing faster and fatter, so that they could go to the better place.

The wonderful day pigs were hoping for finally came. The moment they climbed up the truck, pride and confidence filled in their heart. Seeing those skinny pigs left behind, they couldn’t help feel that they made it. Their whole bodies were full of strength. Out of a sudden, it reminded them of a poem wrote by Hsu Chih-mo.

“Very quietly I take my leave as quietly as I came here. Gently I flick my sleeves.

Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away.” So in the poetic fantasy, pigs were brought to the slaughterhouse.



  • 绘本:快乐小猪


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  • 雲飛泉躍:这篇建议投语言翻译专题。建议撤回。
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  • 我的故事有你:被人家卖了。外面的世界很精彩,有机遇也有陷阱。是机遇还是陷阱,要动脑子判断。
    焉支闲人: @我的故事有你 是啊,多少人没有危机意识,只顾着眼前利益!
    我的故事有你: @焉支闲人 是的,有的人贪图安逸,幻想不劳而获。一点苦不能吃。
    焉支闲人: @我的故事有你 人们往往贪图安逸,是坑也要跳,幻想着美好,现实又是如何呢?

