ToEFL 学习方法

ToEFL 学习方法

作者: fengyud | 来源:发表于2017-07-12 02:31 被阅读0次

From yanan825(weibo)

1 阅读Reading

  • 阅读大部分答案都是能从文章找到exactly正确内容的答案
  • 应该有道理但文章没明说。或者逻辑上没有错的可能,都是错的!!
  • 阅读做题都是按顺序的,除了第一题和最后两三题
  • 王子睿词汇预测、木木词汇预测(直接关注公众号)
  • TPO足矣

2 听力 Listening

  • TPO 来来回回不下8遍
  • 分学科听,整理词汇
  • 精听—— 听懂每一句话在说什么

3 写作Writing

  • 王子睿的综合写作课程
  • 模板
  • 文章框架
  • 例子模板和准备
  • 遣词造句
  • 其他tips
  • 一般都是五段,开头+中间三个例子or论证+结尾一段
  • 中间的万能段

In addition(过渡句),你的第三个观点(一句话). Last summer holiday, I joined my (相关学科) instructor's investigation on 观点涉及的两个方面A/B in somewhere (选择你觉得合适的地点). According to the report, the correlation coefficient between A and B was a strong 0.91, which meant the more xxx, the xxx. In the survey, sb did A and found B(随便编个人说几句话,然后他说因为A所以B,因为这是在调查中,所以完全不用考虑例子的真实性,比你想个跟你有关但是十分牵强的例子好多了)

Ex 1:The more money people have, the more they should give away for charity?

In addition, doing charity work can bring us more happiness than hurts. Last summer holiday, I joined my psychology instructor's investigation on charity affairs (A) and self-satisfaction (B) in one district of Beijing. According to the report, the correlation coefficient between charity work (A) and happiness (B) was a strong 0.91, which meant the more charity you are involved in, the more satisfaction they experience. In the survey, a blue-collar worker told us "I can save some money every month. Every now and then, I will give away a part of salary for one charity, which aims to help the blind." Even though he was not as wealthy as a charity person what we thought it would be like. He said he felt satisfied when helping those blind kids. In this virtuous cycle, people become more self-motivated and finally gain self-satisfaction.

Ex 2: 应不应该让小孩子帮父母做家务

In the first place, helping parents do household chores, surprisingly, will not undermine our studying at all but could make a good impact on us. Last summer holiday, I joined my instructors's investigation on family affairs involvement(participation) in a remote village. According to the report, the correlation coefficient between the frequency of doing household affairs and studying ability was a strong 0.91, which means that the more involved a student is in family affairs, the higher his grade is. In the survey, one female student told us she often help parents take care of the little brother and wash dishes after dinner, but she also develops confidence when accomplishing these tasks. She felt the responsibility as being a family member and also parent's hardship. So she cherished each opportunity of accepting education given by her parents and worked harder than before, which leads to better achievements. <u>In this virtuous cycle, people become self-motivated and finally gain self-satisfaction</u>

  • 快速熟悉自己的框架模板,然后写机经!30/15
  • 真正意义上背13篇文章(王子睿的10篇,背到你以为是自己写的)

4 口语Speaking

  • 练嘴型
  • 第1/2/3/5题多准备几个万能例子或理由

traveling, improve communication skills, broaden my horizons, prepare for future careers, save money(I am a student now, I have no job thus no salary. I don't want to increase my parents's financial burden), save energy.

  • 应试推荐王子睿老师的课



      本文标题:ToEFL 学习方法
