

作者: 碧海和蓝天66 | 来源:发表于2018-06-27 13:40 被阅读0次




    范文  最近还有三篇真题的题目


    阅读 3分钟 - 主旨,分论点的结论及其原因的关键词

    听力 - 所有跟阅读逻辑相反的细节和原因

    总结两个材料的关系20分钟 200-300单词 




    30分钟 300以上 350-400


    1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should not be allowed to surf the Internet or listen to music while they are studying.


    1.if the students are allowed to surf the internet, their attention will be distracted.While students are surfing the internet, They are very likely to chat with their friends online, and watch some interesting videos, and these stuff can totally distract their attention from what the teachers are emphasizing. And the information the teacher's emphasizing in class is usually the most important stuff they are supposed to know to get a score on tests. so...is no different from lowering their GPA.

    has nothing to do with study.

    2.音乐 distracting as well, because makes people emotional and sentimental. remind us of a certain memory .instead of focusing on our study, 

    not only the music itself, also the things.


    3. 让步 Some people say … actually allow people to study in a more efficient way, because that enables them to send emails to the teachers or to look up information online when they have questions.

    But I say these people are confusing surfing the internet with using the internet. 

    using the internet, means sometimes students are required by the teachers to look up information online or be required submit the assignment they’ve just completed during class. 

    However, surfing is totally a different thing, it means students will doing nothing but entertainment.


    use internet while studying? 同意



    entertain during class intervals

    need relaxation on campus

    not learning all the time

    2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should help their children finish their homework.

    -not good for children

    unlikely to be admitted

    secure a permanent job, no boss likes these people

    Application essay on theirselves

    They will get stuck and limited in a

    -not good for parents

    习惯得到帮助,更依赖,heavy burden to their parents

    unable make up their own minds and make decisions

    needing help no matter what happens

    don’t know what to wear in a job interview.

    因果:习惯别人帮助做作业->they will used to getting help from others no matter what happens at any time.

    -not good for teachers

    have no idea which student needs help

    Some teacher can tell whether the student learns well in class by looking at their homework (or by their performance in homework)

    Once 帮助

    Have an illusion /misunderstanding..

    考试表现不好,Gpa 不好,工作/学校就不好

    3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If parents want their children to do well at school, they should limit the time that their children spend on watching TV.

    if 题

    4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should provide people with free college education.


    1.财政上:over burden financially;保持高质量教育不容易,钱 雇佣老师,买设备,建大楼;分担租金split the rent with government;一旦花太多钱,其他方面的必须cut

    2.没有必要去大学,太多人,share edu resources, 教学质量降低



    they should get paid by people who enjoy it..

    5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We can tell a lot about people by the books they read/friends they have. (两道题)

    6.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to make a practical plan than to make a challenging one. 

    同意,practical plan

    1.easier to get support and understanding from others, However, challenging ,they might not even offer help when supposed to ...ex: buying a cheap car is a practical plan for a student graduated from a college ; However, a $ car, any of his family members will be supporting this , both emotionally and financially

    2.easier to experience victories; more .., more confident, Some people get more and more confident , not because they are capable ,but they are too ambitious, they experience much failure, they are unlikely to face the challenge

    3.good for health, don't push myself so hard; don't want sacrifice myself for higher efficiency ; ;80->100 in 2 week challenging one; treat health for efficiency.

    7.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should be required to take courses to update their knowledge every five years for providing a good education.


    1.they should update their knowledge in the field they teach. first-hand knowledge, outdated in textbook or available on Internet ,repeat the knowledge that  students can totally read by themselves, a waste of time; Ex: in advertising industry, people used to 越多人越好,now  this way has changed, to a certain group of people who have the greatest need有特定需求, 这叫做 target marketing. However,...

    2.keep up with the changes in the field of the students' interest so that they can have a better relationship with their students. Sometimes teacher teaches very useful stuff in class, but the students fail to pay attention to  them, because they are not interested in. because it's not excited in taking this classes, because the teachers fail to relate the stuff with something the students like, so if a teacher keeps change with happening with their student's interest, then the teacher will be using the latest movie shows or tv programs or will be using the idols their students admire most to teach them in a very interesting way. That way, students will be  focused more

    3. teachers should also be used to modern tech ,like the internet     to teach student in a vivid way. a way more efficient and impressive than describing by words. talk better, memorizing the concepts, understanding the ideas much better.

    8.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is usually not a good thing to move to a new country or a new city because of the loss of old friends.

    good thing and we'll unlikely to lose our friends

    1. we can totally communicate with /even visit them often if we wish, modern tech like the internet, trains and airplanes. truly friends we will never lose contact with them.EX:.....distance cannot harm the real friendship

    2.does not necessarily weaken our friendship and instead sometimes even strengthen it. Once we spend too much time with our close friends, we will have   ..for mini stuff for trivals. Sometimes we'll be have different looking/ character in the movie. These stuff can cause.... it's not good for relationship. However not spending much time/ meet with each other, and when they do have time to .., treasure the time, will be avoiding fighting against each other , because the time is limited, that way the relationship will be even closer

    3. will definitely bring us new friendship, but making friends with new people does not mean the loss of ..Sometimes our new friends even remind us of old friends, we miss our old friends more. can turn the new to the old as time goes by, so after many years, we 'll only have old friends instead of losing them

    9.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing sports teaches people lessons about life.


    10.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students can get a better education if they spend 11 months a year studying at school.

    not good for students, students are unlikely to keep high efficiency if they spend..., because they will need relaxation very much. they will gradually get tired of taking classes ,listening  to teachers, doing experiments and preparing for papers, Once this happens, they are unlikely to be in a good mood, they will be refusing to collaborate with teachers. that will threaten the relationships. 浪费时间

    not good for teachers either. Once students are required.. then teachers will also be required. ..lose the patience that they are supposed to have, blaming the students with not good reasons,不想回答问题  ,降低教学质量

    other activities they are supposed to be done. take much time, internships

    11.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Competition between friends usually have negative impacts on friendship.


    do not necessarily ...

    actually have ... because they will be learning ...respect each other more. help us learn what they specialize in , have a good relationship, help and collaborate with each other, a challenging project 

    are not about 输赢, entertainment.  basketball  don't keep a score, care we relax and health;骄傲自己的朋友,很高兴

    12.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A interesting and challenging job with little vacation time is better than a job that offers much vacation time but less fun.

    1. better paid, we can afford anything we need or like. our family members live a comfortable life. 

    2.requires to collaborate with others more, more opportunity to make friends , coworkers, clients in another country ,we will get help from everywhere we go; However, longly 

    3.vacation time: only be made good use of when limited; too long ,fully enjoy and treasure vacation time.

    (4. without enough money but a long vacation is torturing.

    13.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People buy things because others have them.


    1. basic needs, a bottom of water ,a car to , a house for a boy get married, have nothing to do with others  . the need under the circumstances

    2.hobbies, different people- hobbies, that's why we can't understand others. Ex: I am a car fan. ...but I think the best way is buying cars. not others but I like the cars

    3.discounts they get. buy now will help save money in the future, however useless. still spend money buying these stuffs

    14.Some people believe that requiring students to have discussions during class a waste of time, while others believe it’s a good way that helps students learn. What is your opinion and why?


    1. it's easy . get motivated, we have competition ,more focused; nothing to share embarrassed.

    2. share information they got from internet, textbook, they were told; teacher 耶不知道的知识;老师也可以提高

    15.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A good leader should be open- minded about others suggestions.

    同意 lead the team to success.​

    1.leading the best idea from the all members of team. 队友分享idea, 否则 keep silent/ conflict .make a wise choice, remind of possible mistakes, everyone has a blind spot

    2. make collaborate, however, ... develop the team ,refuse to collaborate with the leaders, because we feel that 不重视 not valued enough not respected

    3.more loyal to the team, once the team encounter the ...ask help from ... social circles

    16.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If people want to fully enjoy their vacations, they should leave their cellphones home.


    1.keep in touch with ,worry about very much, get home you 'll be asked thousands of questions and be blamed


    2.if we are students....., our teachers or professors will email  call us, bad impressive

    nothing on reference letter, prevent us from a good vacation

    3.apps in cellphone, navigate ,order food online, check which hotel best service.

    How can we enjoy our vacation that way

    17.Some people like to exercise alone, while others like to do sports with a group of people. Which do you prefer and why?

    1.competition, less likely to put things off

    2.make friends, high expectation of themselves,  elites ,open a lot of doors, chances

    3.protect by others, need help 

    单一解释 Real 4,5,6 92min


    1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In the process of teamwork, people who do exactly what the team requires them to do is more important than people who insist on their own ideas.

    前者bring collaboration and 后者 leadership are equally important in a team or in a process of teamwork, why?


    leadership will not b

    2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To make sure that children receive a high quality education, they should spend more time studying in classrooms than attending field trips.


    how to solve mathematics and memorize a English word in classroom 



