VPP向量包处理引擎(Vector Packet Process

VPP向量包处理引擎(Vector Packet Process

作者: robot_test_boy | 来源:发表于2020-08-05 07:40 被阅读0次

VPP中文名为向量包处理引擎,英文名是Vector Packet Processing,是Cisco2002年开发的商用代码。2016年2月11号,Linux基金会创建FD.io项目。Cisco将VPP代码的开源版本加入该项目,目前已成为该项目的核心。(对于向量的理解,还停留在高中数学阶段,顾名思义是有起点和终点的)。



DPDK(Date plane development kit)是一个用来进行包数据处理加速的软件库。

1) 可扩展性


通过插件的形式引入新的graph node或者重新排列数据包的gpragh node。将插件添加到插件目录中,运行程序的时候就会自动加载插件。另外插件也可以根据硬件情况通过某个node直接连接硬件进行加速。



1) 自定义新的图结点

2) 重新排列图结点

3) 添加底层API




2) 可编程能力


远程可编程能力通过外部API与Data Plane  Management Agent进行通信。Data Plane  Management Agent通过内部API与VPP应用(引擎)进行通信。







Vnet:提供网络资源能力:比如设备,L2/ L3/L4功能,session管理,控制管理,流量管理等

VLIB:主要提供基本的应用管理库:buffer管理,graph node管理,线程,CLI,trace等

VPP Infra:提供一些基本的通用的功能函数库:包括内存管理,向量操作,hash,timer等


1) 使用git将VPP源码克隆下来(没有git可使用 yum install git -y 安装)

[root@localhost ~]# mkdir source

[root@localhost ~]# cd source

[root@localhost source]# git clone https://git.fd.io/vpp -b master

2) 安装依赖环境,进入VPP目录下执行:

[root@localhost source]# cd vpp

[root@localhost vpp]# yum install -y epel-release python-pip net-tools

[root@localhost vpp]# make install-dep

3) 安装dpdk,执行第4步代码编译时,会自动下载dpdk并一起编译(可忽略)

[root@localhost vpp]# make dpdk-install-dev

4) 进行代码编译(make distclean 可以清除编译生成文件 )

[root@localhost vpp]# make build

5) 制作rpm包

[root@localhost vpp]# make pkg-rpm

6) 安装VPP

[root@localhost vpp]# cd build-root/

[root@localhost build-root]# rpm -i vpp*.rpm

7) 启动VPP(并设置开机启动)

[root@localhost ~]# systemctl enable vpp

[root@localhost ~]# systemctl start vpp

[root@localhost ~]# systemctl status vpp

8) 测试安装是否成功

[root@localhost ~]# vppctl

VPP配置文件startup.cfg (/etc/vpp/startup.cfg)


unix {

  Interactive //将CLI命令加入到输入输出,提供调试

  log /tmp/vpp.log //日志

  full-coredump //请求Linux内核转储所有内存映射地址区域

  cli-listen //绑定CLI监听TCP端口5002


api-trace {

  on //程序崩溃时可以追踪


cpu {

  //works <n> //创建n个线程

  //skip_cores <n> //对于worker线程来说跳过前n个核

  main-core 0 //将主线程分配给第0个核

  corelist-workers 1-3 //将worker线程放到核1 2 3上


dpdk {

    dev default {

           num-rx-desc 4096

           num-tx-desc 4096


  dev 0000:04:00.0 {num-rx-queues 1} //将网卡与网卡驱动绑定

  dev 0000:04:00.1 {num-rx-queues 1}

  dev 0000:05:00.0

  dev 0000:05:00.1

  num-mbufs 128000 //IO缓冲区数量

  socket-mem 2048 //vpp感知NUMA,在NUMA0上分配2G内存







案例1:Using VPP as a VXLAN Tunnel Terminator- An explanation of the VXLAN  tunnel terminator, its features, architecture, and API support.

VXALN提供了允许L2层桥接域 bridge  domains  (BDs)跨多台主机的功能。这是通过使用VXLAN隧道在L3网络底层之上构建L2覆盖层来完成的。


1) 利用现有的VPP L2桥接和交叉连接功能。

2) 允许根据RFC-7348创建VXLAN,以在L3底层上扩展L2网络。

3) 提供单播模式,该模式下,数据包的复制是在前端向远程VTEPS进行的。

4) 在数据包复制中支持水平分割组Split Horizon Group(SHG)编号。

5) 支持与网桥虚拟接口(BVI)的互操作,以允许VXLAN或VLAN数据包之间通过路由转发。

6) 支持VXLAN到VLAN的网关。

7) 支持ARP请求终止。

8) 同时支持基于IPv6和IPv4的VXLAN。

VXLAN Tunnel Encap and Decap

The VXLAN tunnel encap includes IP, UDP  and VXLAN headers as follows:

VTEPs and VXLAN Tunnel Creation

1) Create VXLAN Tunnel with VTEPs

VTEPs (VXLAN Tunnel End Points) are  specified via VXLAN tunnel creation – the source and destination IP addresses of each VXLAN tunnel are the local server  VTEP address and the destination server  VTEP address. The VNI value used for the  VXLAN tunnel is also specified on VXLAN  tunnel creation. Once a VXLAN tunnel is  created, it is like a VPP interface and not  yet associated with any BD.

2) Associate VXLAN Tunnel with BD

Once a VXLAN tunnel interface is created, it can be added to a bridge domain (BD) as a bridge port by specifying its BDID, just like  how a local Ethernet interface can be  added to a BD. As a VXLAN tunnel is added to a BD, the VNI used for creating the  VXLAN tunnel will be mapped to the BDID.  It is a good practice to allocate the same  value for both VNI and BDID for all VXLAN  tunnels on the same BD or VXLAN segment for all servers to prevent confusion.

3) Connecting VXLAN Tunnels among  Multiple Servers

To setup a VXLAN segment or BD over  multiple servers, it is recommended that a VPP BD with the same BDID should be  created on each server and then a full mesh of VXLAN tunnels among all servers  should be created to link up this BD in each server. In other word, on each server with  this BD, a VXLAN tunnel with its VNI set to  the same value as the BDID should  preferably be created for each of the other servers and be added to the BD. Making all BDIDs and VNIs the same value makes  VXLAN segment connectivity much more  apparent and less confusing.

4 Configuration and Verification

4.1 Configuration Sequence

4.1.1 Bridge Domain Creation

The following example command shows  the configuration sequence to create a  bridge domain with BD ID of 13 with  learning, forwarding, unknown-unicast  flood, flooding  enabled and ARP-termination disabled

# create bridge-domain 13 learn 1 forward 1  uu-flood 1 flood 1 arp-term 0

4.1.2 VXLAN Tunnel Creation and Setup

Following is the configuration sequence to create a VXLAN tunnel and put it into a bridge domain with BD ID of 13:

# create vxlan tunnel src dst vni 13 encap-vrf-id 7 decap-next l2

# set interface l2 bridge vxlan_tunnel0 13 1

4.1.3 VXLAN Tunnel Tear-Down and  Deletion

Following is the configuration sequence to delete a VXLAN tunnel which must first be  removed from any BD it is attached:

# set interface l3 vxlan_tunnel0

# create vxlan tunnel src dst vni 13 del

4.1.4 BVI Interface Creation and Setup

Following is the configuration sequence to create a loopback interface, put it into BD  13 as a BVI interface, put it into VRF 5 and  assign an IP address with subnet of。

# loopback create mac 1a:2b:3c:4d:5e:6f

# set interface l2 bridge loop0 13 bvi

# set interface state loop0 up

# set interface ip table loop0 5

# set interface ip address loop0

4.1.5 BVI Interface Tear-Down and  Deletion

Following is the configuration sequence to delete a loopback interface which is the BVI of a BD. Before the deletion, the loopback  interface must be first removed from BD  together with its IP address/subnet:

# set interface ip address loop0 del all

# set interface l3 loop0

# loopback delete loop0

4.1.6 Example Config of BD with BVI/VXLAN-Tunnel/Ethernet-Port

# loopback create mac 1a:2b:3c:4d:5e:6f

# create vxlan tunnel src dst vni 13 encap-vrf-id 7 decap-next l2

# set interface state loop0 up

# set interface state GigabitEthernet2/2/0 up

# set interface l2 bridge GigabitEthernet2/2/0 13 0

# set interface l2 bridge vxlan_tunnel0 13 1

# set interface l2 bridge loop0 13 0 bvi

# set interface ip table loop0 5

# set interface ip address loop0

4.1.7 Enable/Disable ARP termination of a BD

# set bridge-domain arp term 13

# set bridge-domain arp term 13 disable

4.1.8 Add/Delete IP to MAC Entry to a BD  for ARP Termination

# set bridge-domain arp entry 13  11:12:13:14:15:16

# set bridge-domain arp entry 13  11:12:13:14:15:16 del

4.2 Show Command Output for VXLAN  related Information

4.2.1 Bridge Domain and Port Info

4.2.2 VXLAN Tunnel Info

vpp# show vxlan tunnel 

[0] (src) (dst) vni 13  encap_fib_index 1 decap_next l2

4.2.3 Interface Address and Modes

4.2.4 Interface Stats

4.2.5 Graph Node Global Counters

4.3 Packet Trace

The following example shows typical output from a packet trace of a ping (an ICMP echo request packet). In the following example, the ping is sent from a port with IP address in a BD (with bd_index 1) to an IP address

A typical VPP command to capture the next 10 packets is:

# trace add dpdk-input 10

The VPP command to show packet trace is:

# show trace

The destination IP of resides in  another BD (with bd_index 0) on another  server. Thus, the packet was forwarded  from the 1st BD the 2nd BD via BVI and  then be sent from the 2nd BD via VXLAN  tunnel to the other server. The ICMP echo  response was received at the local VTEP IP address and then forwarded in the 2nd BD after VXLAN header decap. The packet was then forwarded from the 2nd BD to 1st BD via BVI and finally output on the port with IP address

Look for output from the vxlan-encap node  and vxlan-input node by searching for the  strings: vxlan-encap  vxlan-input


To get started with VPP check out: GettingStartedwithVPP

UseVPPasaRouterBetweenNamespaces - An example configuration of the VPP  platform as a router.

UseVPPwithdynamicTAPinterfacesasaRouterBetweenContainers - Another  example of inter-namespace/inter-container routing, using TAP interfaces.

UseVPPtoConnectVMsUsingVhost-UserInterface - An example of connecting  two virtual machines using VPP L2 Bridge  and vhost-user interfaces.

Getting started with VPP development

Installing VPP binaries from packages - using APT/YUM to install VPP

Pulling, Building, Hacking, and Pushing VPP Code - Explains how to get up and going with the vpp code base. NOTE: supercedes Setting Up Your Dev Environment

Building and Installing A VPP Package - Explains how to build, install and test a VPP package


https://blog.csdn.net/a673281846/article/details/101279052 VPP简介

https://blog.csdn.net/rong_toa/article/details/107055636 VPP如何运作的









      本文标题:VPP向量包处理引擎(Vector Packet Process
