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C2. AIDA File Tool-4

C2. AIDA File Tool-4

作者: 橡果 | 来源:发表于2017-02-22 21:16 被阅读22次

DCS系统名称 服务器名称
CENTUM CS 1000 Yokogawa.ExaopcDACS1
CENTUM CS 3000 Yokogawa.ExaopcDACS1
CENTUM CS Yokogawa.ExaopcDACS1
CENTUM XL Yokogawa.ExaopcDAXL1

Fig. C 2.3 OPC Server 图C 2.3 OPC服务器


成功连接Exaopc服务器后,如果OPC服务器名称为“Yokogawa.Exaopc *”,将显示OPC登录用户对话框。
当单击“OK(确定)”按钮时,输入的用户名将发送到APC服务器以访问注册的OPC服务器。 连接的结果显示在对话框中。

Fig. C 2.4 OPC Logon User 图C 2.4 OPC登录用户



Fig. C 2.5 Comment 图C 2.5评论


从“Time Series(时间序列)”菜单的下拉菜单中选择“Open Past Data File(打开历史数据文件)”。指定要加载的文件后,在数据网格上选择Item ID。 相应的数据显示在“Data Display(数据显示)”窗口上。





Fig. C 2.6 Browse Window 图C 2.6浏览窗口


指定数据类型为“Future Value(预测值)”或“Past Value(历史值)”。当选择“Future Value(预测值)”时,将通过OPC DA服务器的“Period(周期)”或“No. of Samples(样本数)”的信息从DCS采集数据。当选择“Past Value(历史值)”时,将通过OPC HAD服务器的“Start Time(开始时间)”和“End Time(结束时间)”信息采集数据。

Server name is a type of Exaopc server. Since Exaopc can connect to several kinds of DCS systems, the type has to be specified. At this moment, following types are supported:
DCS system name Server Name
CENTUM CS 1000 Yokogawa.ExaopcDACS1
CENTUM CS 3000 Yokogawa.ExaopcDACS1
CENTUM CS Yokogawa.ExaopcDACS1
CENTUM XL Yokogawa.ExaopcDAXL1
In case of connecting another DCS the corresponding server name must be specified.

OPC Logon User dialog (from R4.03)

When succeeded to connect Exaopc server, OPC Logon User dialog is displayed, in case OPC server name is ‘Yokogawa.Exaopc*’.
Specify the user name for certificate and password.
When clicking ‘OK’ button, the input user name is sent to APC server to access the registered OPC server. The connected result is shown as dialog.

Edit Comment

Specify the comments of the generated data, such as Process Unit name, Unit conditions, Test conditions. Entered data becomes effective when clicking at OK button. This fields correspond to Unit Name, Unit Conditions and Test Conditions fields of AIDA input data file and stores the definition file.

Open Past Data File

Select “Open Past Data File” from the pull down menu of the”Time Series” menu. After specifying the file to be loaded, select the Item ID on the Data grid. The corresponding data is displayed on the “Data Display” window.

Specify Acquisition Data Item

Specify the data Item name from the ItemID box. By clicking “Append” button after entering tagname in this field, the data is copied to the data table on the right half of the screen. Selected data on the data table are also deleted by clicking “Delete” button. Delete

Browse Window

By clicking “Browse” button, the tag list will be displayed. Tag list has the tree structure from FCS, Tag Name and Item name. By clicking the name, the lower layer is automatically displayed and the selected item is copied to the tag table.

Specify Data Type

Specify the data type “Future Value” or “Past Value”. When “Future Value” is selected, the data is collected from DCS via OPC DA server using the information of “Period” or “No. of Samples”. When “Past Value” is selected, the data is collected from OPC HDA server using the information of “Start Time” and “End Time”.




    本文标题:C2. AIDA File Tool-4
