

作者: 有志向的三流 | 来源:发表于2019-03-17 21:05 被阅读0次

The laws of hysteria are universal_Mar12_a 笔记


• 1900 BCE The Egyptian Kahun Papyrus recounts behaviourial disturbances in women caussed by a "Wandering uterus".

• c400 BCE Greek physician Hippocrates invents the term "hysteria" for certain women's illnesses in his book, On the Diseases of Women.

• 1662 English physician Thomas Willis performs autopsies on "hysterical" women, and finds no signs of uterine pathology.


• Jean-Martin Charcot

French physician, known as the founder of modern neurology. ​

• The laws of hysteria are universal

• 1860s - 1870s, he studies "hysteria (癔病)" , a term used to describe extreme emotional behaviour in women, thought to be caused by problems with the uterus.

• In 1882, Charcot stated that the laws of hysteria are universal. (From observing thousands of cases of hysteria at the Salpetrieve Hospital in Paris)

• Charcot belived hysteria always followed ordered, clearly structured phases, and could even be cured by hypnotism.


• 1883 Alfred Binet joins Charcot at the Salpetriere Hospital in Paris, and later writes about Charcot's use of hypnotism to treat hysteria.

• 1895 Sigmund Freud, a former student of Charcot, publishes Studies on Hysteria.

A Peculiar Destruction of the Internal Connections of the Psyche_Mar12_b 笔记


• c.50 BCE Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius uses the term "demantia" to mean being out of one's mind

• 1874 Wilhelm Wundt, Kraepelin's tutor, publishes Principles of Physiological Psychology.

• APPROACH - MEDICAL PSYCHIATRY -> A Peculiar Destruction of the Internal Connections of the Psyche

• Emil Kraepelin: regarded as the founder of model medical psychiatry

• Kraepelin believed the orgins of most mental illnesses are biological.

• In 1883, Kraepelin published Texbook of Psychiatry, he offered a detailed classification of mental illnesses, including "demential paecox" (meaning "early demantia" 早发性痴呆), to distinguish it from late-onset dementia, sch Alzheimer's.

• In 1893, Kraepelin described demential praecox, now called schizophrenia, as consisting "of a series of clinical stats which hold as their common a perculiar destruction of the internal connections of the psychic personality" .

• Kraepelin later divided it into four categories:

• 1st - simple demential (缓慢的心智退化): slow decline and withdrawal.

• 2nd - paranoia(妄想症/多疑症): fear and persectuion

• 3rd - hebephrenia (青春期痴呆): incoherent speech, inappropriate emotional reactions and behaviour (laughing lourdly, sad)

• 4th - catatonia (紧张性精神分裂症): extremely limited movement and expression, either rigidness, or excessive activity

• Postmortem investigations have shown that there are biochemical and structural brain abnormalities, as well as impairments of brain function, in schizophrenia sufferers.


• 1908 Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler coins the term "schizophrenia" from the Greek words skhizein (to split) and phren (the mind)

• 1948 The World Health Organisation (WHO) includes Kraepelin's classifications of mental illnesses in its International Classification of Diseases (ICD).

• 1950s Chlorpromazine, the first antipsychotic drug, is used to treat schizophrenia.


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