春雨过后大量蟾蜍游街 专家声称非地震前兆

春雨过后大量蟾蜍游街 专家声称非地震前兆

作者: iGlobalist | 来源:发表于2018-04-19 21:37 被阅读21次

Stomach-churning footage shows thousands of toads jumping on the streets in China after rain
春雨过后大量蟾蜍游街 专家声称非地震前兆

Like a scene from a horror film, a street in China has recently been taken over by thousands of toads.

Stomach-churning footage has emerged which shows thousands of amphibians hopping on the pavement after spring showers last week.

Local city's earthquake administration bureau has ruled out residents' concern that the unusual phenomenon was a possible warning of impending natural disasters.

The scene was captured in near Dengguan bridge in Zigong in Sichuan Province on April 13.

Li Yifan, chairman of Zigong Bird Watching Association, told the Cover News that the toads were Asiatic Toads, a type of amphibians that is commonly seen in China.

He explained that the appearance of the toads were related to the weather.

'The weather dropped after the shower on April 13. The toads will normally get to the shore when the humidity reaches certain level,' said Mr Li.

Footage posted on Pear Video, shows thousands of warty-skinned toads on the bricks, stairs and roads around Dengguan bridge. One woman can be heard saying: 'Oh, there's a lot! Is there an earthquake coming?'
这段上传在梨视频上的视频显示,数千只圆疣蟾蜍在邓关大桥周围的砖块、楼梯和道路上。视频中还有一个女性在说:“好多哟,是不是要地震哦?” 。

An officer from the local earthquake monitoring bureau told Pear Video that 'it's normal that the toads came up ashore due to the high humidity in the air'. 'This is related to climate change, it has nothing to do with earthquake,' the officer added.

A lot of the toads were stamped to death on the day, a local resident told the Cover News.The reporter visited the site the next day and found very few toads 'crawling'o on the ground.



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    本文标题:春雨过后大量蟾蜍游街 专家声称非地震前兆
