Words and expressions
1. Even if we grant that such passages were interpolated, still the interpolations were as early as the third or fourth centuries at the latest.
interpolate: to add some new and additional words into a piece of writing.
仿写: The article has been interpolated.
2. Through the adoption of certain postures of the body and control of breathing followed by meditation, it enables the yogi to arrive at a state of mind where first the perception of gross matter o£ the universe falls away, and finally the mind loses all sense of subject-object relations and attains a complete thoughtless vacuum, characterized by a feeling of ecstatic bliss.
meditation: the act of thinking deeply and seriously about something
仿写: She found him sitting alone, deep in meditation.
3. "Now we can become immortals," they said, "or if we are not willing to forsake the world, wc can use this money to drink and eat and enjoy a good life. Let's make a hundred ounces and divide it among ourselves."
forsake: to leave or abandon someone.
仿写: She will never forsake her vegetarian principles.
4. However, he really could transmute gold and left some gold and powder behind, now in the hands o£ the government.
transmute: to change in form, appearance, or nature.
仿写: We can transmute the water power into electric power.
Forgetting the wild goose chase after immortality, one comes back always to the principles of moderation, simple living, enough work, enough rest, and above all, no worries and avoiding emotional disturbances of all kinds. In other words, one always comes back to common sense.
The whole beauty and charm lie in aiming only at having enough to live on. There is no limit to our material desires for food and clothing and shelter. But if we can be thrifty and moderate, we shall be following the road to happiness and a long life.
本章讲述了死而逃生的苏东坡,仕途不畅,转而研究佛学和道家秘术,苏东坡深信精神是不朽的,那身体呢?从养生的秘诀来讲,就要先防止衰老,延长寿命。包含了身体和精神。Physically it aimed to achieve a glow of physical health, the strengthening of one’s constitution and vitality and consequent disappearance of longstanding ailments; mentally it aimed at establishing stability of mind and emotions and release of psychic energies. 为了达到身体健康,心灵平静的状态,苏东坡开始练习瑜伽,让自己平心静气。然而要达到这样不以物喜,不以己悲的状态是很难的,结合各方面的知识,苏东坡选择了简单的生活,让自己在纷繁复杂的社会中保留了自己的安宁和平静。