
作者: 别别问我是谁 | 来源:发表于2016-04-11 23:00 被阅读13次

Hey there...!...friends and foes of English!...

ESL English, essential English, damn English...hehe... I know, you are all friends, not foes...except sometimes, when you hate it, because it gives you trouble... haha...!

But then, truth be told, it's really not the English' fault... but your little problem, since you haven't had quite enough time to listen and practice, to master speaking this cool and essential language!

So, dear friends and beloved, we are gathered here, to try, and try again, to win  this challenge... and in that valiant spirit I come to you today, joining you, delighting in giving you what we call a 'pep talk'!

The whole purpose of my little address is, of course, to crank your 'English engine', to confront you once again with new expressions, to introduce new idioms, and to, perhaps, rouse your interest in the finer points of communicating in this truly versatile, international language!

Always remember, the teacher may be poor, and the books too complicated, but the student can still be excellent! Deep interest in learning is the secret.

Develope your own learning methods to fit your life and your style!

I wish you all the best possible aids and opportunities for progress in learning English!

To this end, I would like to remind you, that constant listening to clear and precise, simple English sentences is the best trainer and cheapest personal coach to learn English!

Kids' stories.



Christian the Canadian


By the conductor of “yidageren” English Group


Christian Heyne


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