How Does Sexy Salad Use O2O Win

作者: 此之木 | 来源:发表于2017-10-11 06:15 被阅读5次

    Diet lifestyle is becoming popular in the Chinese market, especially among the young generation group. In recent year, more and more young Chinese people are aware the importance of being healthy. They start to exercise in the gym regularly and eat low-calories food.

    Eating salad becomes one of the most popular diet trends right now. Sexy Salad is a very successful salad brand in China.

    From Google Image

    Obviously, the main menu that Sexy Salad offers is the salad. Its major target customers are gym guys who want to reduce fat as well as grow muscles. Currently, Sexy Salad creates over 100 salad varieties to meet customer diet needs.

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    Even though Sexy Salad runs less than two years, the annual revenue has reached ¥60 million.The company has completed the fourth round of financing, and final round of financing is invested by Baifu Holdings which is the Chinese largest PE institution.

    How does Sexy Salad have so outstanding performance in such short term?

    1. Offline Promotion: Focus On The Right Target Customers

    Start With Testing:

    When Sexy Salad launched the new salad for the first time on 2015, they built a focus group with 20 highly target customers (gym guys) to test the new salad in a coffee shop.

    Share In The Wechat App Friend Circle:

    After those gym guys tried the new salad, they felt very satisfied with the taste of the salad. Then, they took pictures and shared them on the friend circle. Surprisingly, more than 30 fitness centers asked for the partnership with Sexy Salad in the following week.

    Concentrate On Fitness Centers:

    Since Sexy Salad mainly focuses on gym guys, it highly concentrated on promoting the brand in local fitness centers. The company spent six months to visit more than 200 local fitness centers at Shenzhen, China. They spent the whole week to promote their salad in each fitness center. As the result, they quickly reached 1000 daily orders at that time. Now the daily orders are over 5000. The monthly income stabilized at around ¥400,000.

    2. Online Promotion: Mobile-Friendly Learning Experience Leads to Sales

    For the online promotion, Sexy salad uses Wechat App as their primary online promotion channel. In order to build mobile-friendly learning experience, they write creative and relevant content on their official Wechat page. People who love diet food like to follow them, read their content, and share it. Therefore, more and more people can learn the science and art of their salad.

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    Sexy Salad also runs ad promotion and spread coupons via Wechat App. This way can attract potential customers to visit their local store and try their salad. If customers like it, they are more likely to post the salad pictures on their friend circle. Then, Sexy Salad can grow more potential customers.

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    According to theDMR report, there are about 963 million monthly Wechat users in China. Wechat is not only a primary message tool for users but also a popular promotion channel for business.

    Sexy Salad knows who are their primary target customer group–gym guys who pursue a healthy lifestyle as well as build muscle. Therefore, it creates special salads to satisfy their nutrition needs. Concentrating on the right customers helps Sexy Salad build brand awareness effectively.

    Nowadays, we are hard to survive without Smartphone.DMR reported that 50% of Wechat users spend at least 90 minutes per day.  Using Wechat App as primary promotion channel definitely helps Sexy Salad reach potential customers sustainably.

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        本文标题:How Does Sexy Salad Use O2O Win
