First teaching day of term 2

First teaching day of term 2

作者: GWong | 来源:发表于2019-02-25 20:25 被阅读0次

    2nd day of work, 1st day of teaching. It's only the beginning, but it feels like a lifetime. Probably this is because I stayed up too late to prepare the lessons. Then time stretches and it feels really really long. Also going back to and from home constantly doesn't help either. All the traveling is taking its toll on me. 

    My heart is racing now... Anxiety comes from nowhere... Maybe not from nowhere, but from work, and life... Now I can kind imagine how panic attack feels like. Um... weary soul. Should be fine eventually. 

    March will be a super busy month with all the business trips. Oh, and my best friend's wedding on the 23rd next month!!! These events have already occupied all my Saturdays, and a couple of Sundays. Maybe this is the reason why I am not feeling myself. A lot of my own time has been stolen away by work. Also this means that I need to finish lesson planning during the weekdays. Need to be more efficient, or else there will be consequences. A vicious circle will be created if I don't plan well. 

    Oh, the constant WeChat messages also cause more unease.... Besides, the super talkative colleague in the office may have also made me more anxious. Don't like too much socialising. 

    In need of some me-time. Gosh... dozed off 5 seconds ago!!! Maybe I am just too sleepy.


    1. lesson planning for lessons of next week (and the 3rd week if possible).

    2. read some of my own books. 

    3. WeChat official account verification (Before March 2)

    4. Keep calm, find peace and carry on.

    Sleep well, study well, work well and live well. 





          本文标题:First teaching day of term 2
