2021-03-06 Stop ‘Preparing’ and

2021-03-06 Stop ‘Preparing’ and

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2021-03-06 21:04 被阅读0次

Success largely boils down to one piece of advice: Do the real thing. But people keep finding ingenious ways to do anything but.

How you’re strategically avoiding the important work that will lead to success?

Instead of doing “something,” do nothing

We’re trained to think that doing something is better than nothing. This is true, but only if it’s a real something. Fake somethings don’t just fail to create progress; they also sap your energy, leaving you too exhausted at the end of the day to push yourself forward on any of your goals.

Doing nothing, in contrast, is restorative. It fosters the urge to do something, rather than draining it away. If you find yourself trying to keep busy for the sake of being busy, stop. Take a long walk, play with your kids, or simply sit and stare out the window and let your mind wander.

If you’re not sure what the real thing is, just ask

In case it’s unclear what you should be working on, find someone who has achieved your goal before. If you don’t know anyone personally, try Quora, LinkedIn, or other forums. Tell the person your plan and ask them if they think it’s direct enough.

Those who have been there before know what the real path is. If you ask them, they can instantly spot the difference between strategies that attack the heart of the problem and fanciful projects that lead nowhere.

In the end, know that the hard way is the easy way

Difficulty is paradoxical. Often, what’s difficult is the commitment to the work, not the work itself. So make a commitment to the real thing and start. At last, you’ll get off the windy path that leads to nowhere.


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      本文标题:2021-03-06 Stop ‘Preparing’ and
