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Toastmasters General Evaluator S

Toastmasters General Evaluator S

作者: Yunling1011 | 来源:发表于2019-05-11 10:25 被阅读0次

    This is a script you can use if you are general evaluator for your next Toastmasters meeting.

    Thank you very much. Toastmaster of the day, fellow Toastmasters and honored guests. As General Evaluator for this meeting, I will be observing the meeting, making notes, and offering evaluation reports at the end of the meeting. In addition, I have a team who will be assisting me in these duties.

    I would like to introduce my team now and ask each of them to come on the stage and briefly describe the role they will be performing today.

    Grammarian, could you come on the stage and describe your role?

    I would now like to introduce our Ah-counter, XX, would you please describe your role?

    Timer, would you please come to the front and and describe the timing rules?

    [Lead the applause; shake hands as you turn control of the lectern to the team.]

    At the end of the meeting, I will give my evaluation report. I now return the meeting to our Toastmaster of the Day.

    [Lead the applause; shake hands as you turn control of the lectern to the TMD]

    [Come back to the stage]

    The Ah Counter tracks the use of verbal pauses – those ah’s and um’s that come out of our mouths while we think of the next thing to say. These verbal pauses detract from our message. Let's welcome Ah Counter X come on the stage.

    Next we'll here from the grammarian who's been listening for good uses of the language as well as points for improvement.

    It is important to get your message across in the allowed time, and keep the meeting on track. Our Timer will now report on how we've done with the time. Please help me welcome XX. [Lead applause until Evaluator takes the lectern.]

    [Say thank you to your helper after his/her evluation.]

    Now I have a few comments on the meeting as a whole.

    Today's meeting was blablabla...

    [e.g. Well prepared

    Started on time

    Guests were welcomed and encouraged to participate

    All meeting roles explained

    All greetings conducted at the podium

    The Table Topics were engaging and entertaining]

    I would also like to add improvements that can be made at our next meeting. Blablabla...

    That concludes the general evaluation segment. Let's welcome back our Toastmaster of the Day.

    P.S Here are some of the things to look for when you are the General Evaluator.


    Meeting on time? Call to order, invocation, pledge, opening handled smoothly?


    Run smoothly? Did it drag? Was concise agenda followed?


    Were guests introduced? Did members welcome guests and new members? Was printed information available?


    Toastmaster of the Day, guests, Table Topics Master, Speakers, Evaluators – were more than just names given?


    Were topics appropriate? Did Table Topics Master take too much time introducing the questions and topics? Did the Table Topics segment end on time? Did the Table Topics Master call on members who did not have speaking roles?


    Manual speeches? Were the speakers prepared? Did the evaluator Acknowledge the positive, suggest something to do Better or differently and Congratulate and Conclude (ABC)? Was the tone positive, and appropriate for the experience level of the speaker?


    Were the timing limits observed? Were the reports helpful, smooth, audible, and positive?


    Did everyone seem to enjoy the meeting? Did you enjoy it? What was the tone


    Toastmasters Meeting Script from Start to Finish

    General Evaluator Role and Responsibilities



        本文标题:Toastmasters General Evaluator S
