1. 处理得好的话 If you play your cards right
2. 你放我鸽子了 You stood me up.
3. 轻松做成 sail through
4. 清醒点 wise up
5. 闻起来怪怪的 smell funny/fishy
6. 我醉了,程度由低到高 I am tipsy, buzzed, hammered, drunk, wasted.
7. 不要换台 Stay tuned.
8. 追尾 rear end collision
9. 把一个地方搞的乱七八糟 trash the room
10. 读研(美) I am going to grad school.
11. 完美员工 She is the whole package.
12. 到处都是;不整洁 all over the place
13. 累坏了 wiped out
14. 大美女,一拳KO knockout
15. 有道理 That's legit.
16. 无聊没意义的工作 menial job