

作者: jiniuyu | 来源:发表于2020-01-10 13:12 被阅读0次

    MCD4140 Assignment 1 of 8MCD 4140: Computing for EngineersAssignmentTrimester 1, 2019Status: IndividualHurdle: There is no hurdle on assignmentWeighting: 10%Word limit: No limitDue date: By 12.00pm on Monday 6/05/2019 via Moodle (Week 10).INSTRUCTIONSThis assignment should be completed INDIVIDUALLY. Plagiarism will result in a mark of zero. Plagiarismincludes letting others copy your work and using code without citing the source. If a part of your code iswritten in collaboration with classmates, say so in your comments and clearly state the contributions of eachperson.NOTE: Your MATLAB code will be checked for plagiarism – DON’T RISK LOSING ALL 10 MARKS BY COPYINGSOMEONE ELSE’S CODE (OR BY ALLOWING SOMEONE ELSE TO COPY YOURS).Download the assignment template files from Moodle and update the m-files named Q1a.m, Q1b.m, etc…with your assignment code. DO NOT rename the m-files in the template or modify run_all.m. Check yoursolutions to Q1 and Q2 by running run_all.m and ensuring all questions are answered as required. Do notuse close all, clear all, clc in any individual mfiles.SUBMITTING YOUR ASSIGNMENTSubmit your assignment online using Moodle. Read the “Assignment upload instructions.pdf” to prepareyour ZIP file for submission. Your ZIP file (not .rar or any other format) must include the followingattachments:a. Solution m-files for assignment tasks (e.g. run_all, Q1a.m, Q1b.m, etc.)b. Any additional function files required by your m-files (e.g. heun.m, falseposition.m, etc.)c. All data files needed to run the code including the input data provided to you (e.g. data1.txt,data2.csv, etc.)d. A completed cover sheetYour assignment will be marked in your usual computer lab session during Week 11. YOU MUST ATTEND TOHAVE IT MARKED. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND, YOUR ASSIGNMENT MARK WILL BE ZERO. YOUR ZIP FILE WILLBE DOWNLOADED FROM MOODLE DURING WEEK 10 AND ONLY THESE FILES WILL BE MARKED. We willextract (unzip) your ZIP file and mark you based on the output of run_all.m on a Windows-based system. It isyour responsibility to ensure that everything needed to run your solution is included in your ZIP file. It is alsoyour responsibility to ensure that everything runs seamlessly on a Windows-based system (especially if youhave used MATLAB on a Mac OS or Linux system). Windows OS computers are available in the computer labson campus for testing. The assignment will not be downloaded to your individual laptops for marking.MARKING SCHEMEThis assignment is worth 10% (1 Mark = 1%) of the unit mark. Your assignment will be graded using thefollowing criteria:MCD4140 Assignment 2 of 81) run_all.m produces results automatically (additional user interaction only if asked explicitly)2) Your code produces correct results (printed values, plots, etc…) and is well written.3) Coding interview performanceCODING INTERVIEW RUBRICAs part of the marking process, your demonstrator will spend a few minutes interviewing you to gauge yourunderstanding of the assignment code. The purpose of this is to ensure that you have contributed to theassignment and understand the code.You will be assigned a score based on your interview and your code mark will be penalized if you are unableto explain your submission.Category Description PenaltyNo understanding The student has not prepared, cannot answer even the most basicquestions and likely has not even seen the code before. 100%TrivialunderstandingThe student may have seen the code before and can answer somethingpartially relevant or correct to a question but they clearly can’t engage in aserious discussion of the code30%SelectiveunderstandingThe student gives answers that are partially correct or can answerquestions about one area correctly but another not at all. The student hasnot prepared sufficiently20%Good understandingThe student is reasonably well prepared and can consistently provideanswers that are mostly correct, possibly with some prompting. Thestudent may lack confidence or speed in answering.10%CompleteunderstandingThe student has clearly prepared and understands the code. They cananswer questions correctly and concisely with little to no prompting. 0%ASSIGNMENT HELP1) You can use function files youve written in your labs2) You can ask questions in the Discussion Board on Moodle3) Hints and additional instructions are provided as comments in the assignment template m-files4) Hints may also be provided during lectures5) The questions have been split into sub-questions. It is important to understand how each sub-questioncontributes to the whole, but each sub-question is effectively a stand-alone task that does part of theproblem. Each can be tackled individually.6) It is recommended that you break down each sub-question into smaller parts too, and figure out whatneeds to be done step-by-step. Then you can begin to put things together again to complete the whole.7) The m-file templates contain comments and sections only as a guide. You do not need to follow itsstructure.8) Bold text has been used to emphasize important aspects of each task. This does not mean that you shouldignore all other text. MCD4140 Assignment 3 of 8QUESTION 1 [6 MARKS]Background:Flows around cylinders of various cross-sections continue to engender a significant amount of engineeringresearch interest due to its ubiquitous nature in society. Examples include bridge spans and pylons, high-risebuildings, pipelines, heat exchangers and oil platforms. When fluid (such as air or water) flows around suchbodies, a wake develops which may become unstable and lead to a development of vortex streets. Anexample of the vortex street formed by clouds flowing past an island is illustrated in Figure 1. Additionalinformation including images and animations can be found here.Figure 1. Kármán vortex street caused by wind flowing around the Juan Fernández Islands off the Chileancoast.1The vortices that develop are capable of containing large amounts of energy which can cause damage toneighbouring structures on impact. Therefore, engineers and scientists study the wake dynamics behind thesebodies with the aim of suppressing the vortex shedding. There are some cases where vortex shedding isencouraged as to dissipate heat from a heated wall for example. Thus, it is crucial to determine when theseflows transition from a laminar state to vortex-shedding state.A non-dimensional parameter commonly used to characterise such flows is given by the Reynolds number, Re.The Reynolds number describes the ratio between inertial to viscous forces. That is, a small Reynolds numberflow is typically laminar as it is dominated by viscous forces. Higher Reynolds number flows becomesusceptible to vortex shedding and ultimately turbulence.Brief:You, the engineer, have performed experiments in a water channel involving flow past a circular cylinder. Allflows are started from Re = 60 and then impulsively changed to either Re = 40, 45, 50, 55 or 65. The lift forceon the cylinder is measured as soon as Re is changed (i.e. at time equal zero) and this is recorded in the textfiles fy_re.dat where represents the Re value. Each file contains:1. [column 1] Time, t2. [column 2] Lift force, FyIt is clear from the flow visualisation in Figure 2 that the flow transitions from a laminar flow to a vortexsheddingstate somewhere between Re = 40 and Re = 65. The代做MCD4140作业、MATLAB编程作业代写、代写MATLAB课程设计作业、代做plagiarism留学生作业 调试 lift force information can be used to predict thecritical Reynolds number, which describes the point of transition from laminar to vortex-shedding flow. Youare to complete the following tasks to determine the critical Reynolds number.1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%A1rm%C3%A1n_vortex_streetMCD4140 Assignment 4 of 8Figure 2. Axial vorticity contours of flow past a circular cylinder for Re=40 (top) and Re=65 (bottom).Q1aIn the Q1a.m file, read in the data for Re = 40, 45, 50, 55 and 65 and store it into a 3D matrix using a for loop.Be aware that there is header information.A 3D matrix can be thought of as multiple 2D matrix planes stacked in the 3rd dimension. Consider matrix Mwhich is a 3-by-3-by-6 matrix. An illustration of its decomposition into six 2D matrix planes is shown below:Plane 1:M(1,1,1) M(1,2,1) M(1,3,1)M(2,1,1) M(2,2,1) M(2,3,1)M(3,1,1) M(3,2,1) M(3,3,1)Plane 2:M(1,1,2) M(1,2,2) M(1,3,2)M(2,1,2) M(2,2,2) M(2,3,2)M(3,1,2) M(3,2,2) M(3,3,2)Plane 3:M(1,1,3) M(1,2,3) M(1,3,3)M(2,1,3) M(2,2,3) M(2,3,3)M(3,1,3) M(3,2,3) M(3,3,3)Plane 4:M(1,1,4) M(1,2,4) M(1,3,4)M(2,1,4) M(2,2,4) M(2,3,4)M(3,1,4) M(3,2,4) M(3,3,4)Plane 5:M(1,1,5) M(1,2,5) M(1,3,5)M(2,1,5) M(2,2,5) M(2,3,5)M(3,1,5) M(3,2,5) M(3,3,5)Plane 6:M(1,1,6) M(1,2,6) M(1,3,6)M(2,1,6) M(2,2,6) M(2,3,6)M(3,1,6) M(3,2,6) M(3,3,6)Examples of matrix addressing is provided below: M(2,2,1) will address element corresponding to row 2, column 2, plane 1. M(1,3,4) will address element corresponding to row 1, column 3, plane 4. M(:,2,6) will address elements corresponding to all rows, column 2, plane 6. M(:,:,3) will address elements corresponding to all rows, all columns, in plane 3.MCD4140 Assignment 5 of 8In figure(1)2, plot the lift force against time on linear axes for each Re in a 3-by-2 subplot arrangement asfollows:[panel 1] Re = 40 [panel 2] Re = 45[panel 3] Re = 50 [panel 4] Re = 55[panel 5 + 6] Re = 65The plot characteristics for all subplot panels are black continuous lines. The title of your subplot windowsshould correspond to the Re of the data.*You should have one figure window by the end of this task.Hint: Use sprintf() to import data and to title the subplots.Q1bIn the maxima.m file, complete the function to determine a specified number of maxima turning points in thedata that is supplied to the function.Q1cIn the Q1c.m file, use the function you wrote in Q1b to determine the first 350 maxima turning points in thelift force data for each Re. The maxima turning points represent the amplitude measure of the flow. Infigure(2), plot the amplitude against time on logarithmic axes for each Re in a 3-by-2 subplot arrangementas follows:[panel 1] Re = 40 [panel 2] Re = 45[panel 3] Re = 50 [panel 4] Re = 55[panel 5 + 6] Re = 65The plot characteristics for all subplot panels are red continuous lines with circles. The title of your subplotwindows should correspond to the Re of the data. A legend is not required.*You should have two figure windows by the end of this task.Q1dIn reviewing the plots (on logarithmic scales) created in Q1c, you notice that the initial trend of the amplitudeagainst time data is relatively linear. This suggests that the data follows the power modelwhere α and β are coefficients.In the Q1d.m file, you are required to identify the timespan (starting from 0) where the amplitude data for allRe illustrates a linear trend. A SINGLE timespan should be used for all Re. You are to determine this timespanthrough observation. On the existing plots of figure(2), plot the linear segments of the amplitude against timedata using red circles with a continuous line for each Re.*You should still have two figure windows by the end of this task.2 Note that figure(H) makes H the current figure, forces it to become visible, and raises it above all other figures on thescreen. If Figure H does not exist, and H is an integer, a new figure is created with handle H.MCD4140 Assignment 6 of 8Q1eIt turns out that the β coefficient represents the growth rate of the flow. That is, a negative β coefficientrepresents a laminar flow whereas a positive β coefficient represents a vortex-shedding flow.In the Q1e.m file, curve fit the linear segments using a power model to determine the coefficients α and βfor each Re. In figure(3), plot β against Re using black diamonds and turn on the grid.*You should have three figure windows by the end of this task.Q1fIn the Q1f.m file, fit polynomials of order 1 to 5 to β against Re. Plot these polynomials as continuous lines infigure(3) using colour specifications rbkgm. Additionally, determine the critical Re value for each polynomialfit and plot these as diamonds in figure(3) using colour specifications rbkgm. Use any appropriate rootfindingmethod to determine the critical Re. The legend may contain duplicate entries (as provided in the mfile).Lastly, use fprintf() to print a list of values similar to the following:Polynomial Re_c*You should still have three figure windows by the end of this task.MCD4140 Assignment 7 of 8QUESTION 2 [4 MARKS]The rate of change of temperature of an object is directly proportional to the difference in temperaturebetween the object and its surrounding, such that it is described by:where T represents the temperature, t represents the time, Ts represents the surrounding temperature and kis a constant.Q2aIn the Q2a.m file, calculate the temperature of an object from t=0 to t=60 units, assuming T(0) = 0.3, k=0.5and Ts = 2. Do this using Eulers method and Heuns method with a time step of 3.5 units.In figure(4), plot the temperature against time solutions – Euler as a blue line and Huens as a red line. Usefprintf() to describe why the solution using Eulers method differs greatly to Heuns method.Q2bIn the Q2b.m file, calculate the temperature of a point on the plate from t=0 to t=60 units for k=[0.1, 0.5, 1, 2],assuming T(0) = 0.3 and Ts = 2. Do this using the midpoint method with a time step of 1 unit.In figure(5), plot temperature against time for each k value. Use the RGB values defined in the colourmapvariable as provided in the m-file to colour solutions from the smallest k to the largest k (top row to thebottom row).Q2cThe temperature profile on a plate that is 17m long(∈ [7,10]) and 9m wide ( ∈ [1,8]) is illustrated inthe figure on the right. The temperature profile on theplate is described by:The average temperature of the plate can be calculatedthrough:In the Q2c.m file, calculate the average temperature of the plate using the composite Simpsons 1/3 ruleusing 99 points in each direction (x and y). Start by evaluating the inner integral along the x dimension foreach value of y. The resulting values can be integrated along the y dimension. Use fprintf() to print astatement containing the average temperature to 4 decimal places.*You should still have three figure windows by the end of this task.MCD4140 Assignment 8 of 8Hint: You may want to create a function file for the composite Simpsons 1/3 rule that accepts vectors. i.e. thefunction header declaration may be: I = comp_simp13_vector(a,b), where I is the integral and (a,b) arethe points you are integrating.Poor Programming Practices [-2 Marks](Includes, but is not limited to, poor coding style or insufficient comments orunlabeled figures, etc.)(END OF ASSIGNMENT)转自:http://www.7daixie.com/2019051756408385.html



