1. Keep it real. 莫装逼。
2.keep you company. 陪在你身边。
3. keep in touch! 保持联系。
4. Keep trying! 继续努力。
5. Keep quiet! 安静!
6. Keep it to yourself! Keep it a secret. 保密。
7. Keep up the good work! 好好干!
8. Keep your chin up! 别灰心,打起精神来。
9. Keep your shirt on! 别着急!
10. Keep your mouth shut! 别多嘴!
11. Keep it casual. 顺其自然。
12. Keep fit. 保持身材。
13. Keep it up! 再接再厉!
14. Keep a low profile / Keep your head down! 保持低调!
15. keep an eye on 留神;注意;
16. Keep your nose clean. 安分守己。