阅读笔记:作者 张献臣
- 1碎片化阅读
- 1.1现象
- 1.1.1语言知识教学碎片化
- 1.1.2阅读理解停留在句子层面,缺乏整体理解
- 1.1.3语篇信息碎片化
- 1.2原因
- 1.2.1没有从语篇高度教阅读
- 1.2.2缺乏主题意识
- 2思维层次肤浅
- 2.1现象
- 2.1.1多事实性问题
- 2.1.2活动丰富,但多低层次,重复性
- 2.1.3学生阅读行为不突出
- 2.2原因
- 2.2.1忽略阅读教学对学生思维品质培养的价值
- 2.2.2教师设计的问题不能服务于语篇主题意义探究
- 2.2.3教师缺乏文本解读意识
- 3不能体现语篇交际功能
- 3.1现象
- 3.1.1语言知识于文本内容割裂
- 3.1.2讲阅读文本割裂
- 3.1.3读前活动于文本内容关联性不强
- 3.1.4读后活动偏离文本主题
- 3.2原因
- 3.2.1没有认识文本的交际功能
- 3.2.2缺乏语境意识
- 4模式化教学设计导致阅读教学缺乏灵活性
- 4.1现象
- 4.1.1教学过程模式化
- 4.1.2教学策略模式化
- 4.2原因
- 4.2.1没有认请不同文本的不同特征
- 4.2.2没有认识不同文章有不同的教学重点和难点
- 4.2.3没有认识到不同学生有不同的需求
- 5功利化的阅读教学导致学生阅读学习的功利性
- 5.1现象
- 5.1.1教学设计紧跟考题
- 5.1.2考试怎么考,教师就怎么教
- 5.2原因
- 5.2.1教师迷信考试指挥棒
- 5.2.2没有意识阅读教学的综合育人价值
- 5.2.3教师缺乏对学生自主阅读的指导、监控和评价能力
- 1阅读教学的目标定位
- 1.1首要功能:获取语篇的基本信息和内涵
- 1.2第二目标:培养阅读策略和阅读 技能
- 1.3学习语言知识和语篇知识
- 1.4 文化意识:学习文化知识,拓展文化视野
- 1.5思维品质:发展思维能力, 提升思维品质
- 1.6阅读副产品:学习写作技巧,发展写作能力
- 1.7 重要目标:培养正确的情感、态度和价值观
- 1.8学习者的梦想:形成良好的语感
- 2阅读教学设计框架
- 2.1作者写了什么
- 2.1.1Understanding
- 2.1.2记忆与理解
- 2.2作者为什么写
- 2.2.1Inferencing
- 2.2.2理解写作目的和意图
- 2.3作者是怎样写的
- 2.3.1Analyzing
- 2.3.2结构分析,高阶思维的分析能力
- 2.4你认为作者写得怎么样
- 2.4.1Evaluating
- 2.4.2写作评价,高阶思维的评价能力
- 2.5语言聚焦与学习
- 2.5.1Language Learning
- 2.5.2语言知识的学习与训练
- 2.6文本迁移与运用
- 2.6.1Creating
- 2.6.2基于文本又超于文本,创造
- 1人教,必修4
- 2教学过程
- 2.1导入
- do you think of when you see the words "body languange"?
- new words
- 2.2作者写了什么
- 2.2.1 Read the passage quickly and find the main idea.
- 2.2.2 Read the passage again and match the main idea with each paragraph.
- 2.2.3 Read the passage again and complete the table.
- 2.2.4Answer the two questions and underline your answers in the passage.
- What is the topic sentence of this passage?
- What is the concluding sentence of this passage?
- 2.3作者为什么写
- 2.3.1Read the passage again and discuss the question in groups of four: What does the author intend to tell us by writing this article?
- 2.4作者是怎样写的
- 2.4.1Match the different sections with different paragraphs.
- 2.4.2 Please find two words in the passage that can best describe the author'sargument. (参考答案:universal 和 similarities。)
- 2.5你认为作者写得怎么样
- 2.5.1Work in groups and discuss these questions.
- Which part of this passage interests you most? Why?
- Which sentence( s) in the passage do you like most? Give your reasons.
- The writer thinks that in general it is probably not a good idea to give a hug to a boss or teacher. What s your opinion?
- How do you like the title of this passage? Can you give another title to it?
- Which part of the passage do you think can be improved? How?
- 2.6语言聚焦与学习
- 2.6.1 Underline the lexical chunks in the passage, and then put them into Chinese
- 2.6.2……
- 2.7文本迁移与运用
- 2.7.1Your American friend, Tony, will come to your school as an exchange student next m onth. He wants to know about some body language which is coiTimordy used in China. Write him an email to tell him what body language you often use in your daily life.
- 2.7.2Work in groups of three or four and act out a dumb show.