Introducing protocols
protocol Vehicle {
func accelerate()
func stop()

Protocol syntax(协议的语法)
Methods in protocols
enum Direction {
case left
case right
protocol DirectionalVehicle {
func accelerate()
func stop()
func turn(direction: Direction)
func description() -> String
值得注意的是,参数不能有默认参数, methods defined in protocols can’t contain default parameters:// 会报错
protocol OptionalDirectionVehicle {
// Build error!
func turn(direction: Direction = .left)
Properties in protocols
protocol VehicleProperties {
var weight: Int { get }
var name: String { get set }
Initializers in protocols(协议内初始化)
protocol Account {
var value: Double { get set }
init(initialAmount: Double)
init?(transferAccount: Account)
class BitcoinAccount: Account { var value: Double = 0.0
required init(initialAmount: Double) {
value = initialAmount
required init?(transferAccount: Account) {
guard transferAccount.value > 0.0 else {
return nil
value = transferAccount.value
var accountType: Account.Type = BitcoinAccount.self
let account = accountType.init(initialAmount: 30.00)
let transferAccount = accountType.init(transferAccount: account)!
Protocol inheritance(继承协议)
交通工具 示例
// 交通工具
protocol Vehicle {
func accelerate() // 加速
func stop() // 停止
// 有轮子的交通工具
protocol WheeledVehicle: Vehicle {
var numberOfWheels: Int { get } // 轮子
var wheelSize: Double { get set } // 轮子尺寸
Implementing protocols(实现协议方法)
protocol Vehicle {
func accelerate()
func stop()
class Bike: Vehicle {
var peddling = false
var brakesApplied = false
func accelerate() {
peddling = true
brakesApplied = false
func stop() {
peddling = false
brakesApplied = true
Implementing properties(实现协议属性)
class Bike: WheeledVehicle {
let numberOfWheels = 2
var wheelSize = 16.0
var peddling = false
var brakesApplied = false
func accelerate() {
peddling = true
brakesApplied = false
func stop() {
peddling = false
brakesApplied = true
- ####实现get需求的选择是:
- 常存储的属性
- 可变存储属性
- 一个只读的计算属性
- 读写计算属性
- ####您实现get和set属性的选择仅限于一个变量存储的属性或一个读写计算的属性。
Associated types in protocols(在协议中相关类型)
protocol WeightCalculatable {
associatedtype WeightType // 不明确的类型
func calculateWeight() -> WeightType
class HeavyThing: WeightCalculatable {
// This heavy thing only needs integer accuracy
typealias WeightType = Int
func calculateWeight() -> Int {
return 100
class LightThing: WeightCalculatable {
// This light thing needs decimal places
typealias WeightType = Double
func calculateWeight() -> Double {
return 0.0025
Implementing multiple protocols(实现多个协议)
protocol Wheeled {
var numberOfWheels: Int { get }
var wheelSize: Double { get set }
class Bike: Vehicle, Wheeled {
// Implement both Vehicle and Wheeled
Extensions and protocol conformance
这个参考extension AnchorViewController : UICollectionViewDataSource { }
protocol Reflective {
var typeName: String { get }
extension String: Reflective {
var typeName: String {
return "I'm a String"
let title = "Swift Apprentice!"
title.typeName // I'm a String
Anatomy of generic types泛型类型的解剖学
class Cat {} // 猫
class Dog {}// 狗
class KeeperForCats {} // 猫的主人
class KeeperForDogs {} // 狗的主人

class Keeper<Animal> {}

Generic function parameters(泛型设计)
func swapped<T, U>(_ x: T, _ y: U) -> (U, T) {
return (y, x)
swapped(33, "Jay") // returns ("Jay", 33)
func mgprint<K>(s: K) {
mgprint(s: 213)
mgprint(s: "MG明明")

Advanced Topics(高级的主题)
十三、第十三部分:Access Control and Code Organization
Introducing access control
- 在Swift3.0中
- public表示当前类、属性或者方法只能在当前module内被继承或者override,在当前module意外只能被访问;
- open表示当前类、属性或者方法可以在任何地方被继承或者override;
- final是一个辅助修饰词,表示当前类、属性或者方法在任何地方都只能被访问,不能被继承或者override;
- internal表示默认级别
- 总结
- Swfit3.0中,访问控制权限由高到低依次为:open、public、internal(默认)、fileprivate,private。
十四、第十四部分:Custom Operators and Subscripts
Custom Operators(自定义操作符)
Exponentiation operator(求幂运算符)
infix operator ** // 平方
func **(lhs: Int, rhs: Int) -> Int {
var result = lhs
for _ in 2...rhs {
result *= lhs
return result
let base = 3
let exponent = 2
let result = base ** exponent
let result1 = 4 ** 3

Compound assignment operator(复合赋值运算符)
infix operator **=
func **=(lhs: inout Int, rhs: Int) {
lhs = lhs ** rhs
var number = 3
number **= 2 // 9
var number1 = 6
number1 **= 2 // 36
// 以下代码报错,类型不一致
let baseString = "abc"
let times = 5
var multipliedString = baseString ** times

以上如果用泛型设计Generic operators
func **<T: Integer>(lhs: T, rhs: Int) -> T {
var result = lhs
for _ in 2...rhs {
result *= lhs
return result
func **=<T: Integer>(lhs: inout T, rhs: Int) {
lhs = lhs ** rhs


十五、第十五部分:Error Handling
Throwing errors(抛异常)
class Pastry {
let flavor: String
var numberOnHand: Int
init(flavor: String, numberOnHand: Int) {
self.flavor = flavor
self.numberOnHand = numberOnHand
enum BakeryError: Error {
case tooFew(numberOnHand: Int)
case doNotSell
case wrongFlavor
class Bakery {
var itemsForSale = [
"Cookie": Pastry(flavor: "ChocolateChip", numberOnHand: 20),
"PopTart": Pastry(flavor: "WildBerry", numberOnHand: 13),
"Donut" : Pastry(flavor: "Sprinkles", numberOnHand: 24),
"HandPie": Pastry(flavor: "Cherry", numberOnHand: 6)
func orderPastry(item: String,
amountRequested: Int,
flavor: String) throws -> Int {
guard let pastry = itemsForSale[item] else {
throw BakeryError.doNotSell
guard flavor == pastry.flavor else {
throw BakeryError.wrongFlavor
guard amountRequested < pastry.numberOnHand else {
throw BakeryError.tooFew(numberOnHand: pastry.numberOnHand)
pastry.numberOnHand -= amountRequested
return pastry.numberOnHand
let bakery = Bakery()
bakery.orderPastry(item: "Albatross",
amountRequested: 1,
flavor: "AlbatrossFlavor")
Handling errors(处理异常)
do {
try bakery.orderPastry(item: "Albatross",
amountRequested: 1, flavor: "AlbatrossFlavor")
} catch BakeryError.doNotSell {
print("Sorry, but we don't sell albatross")
} catch BakeryError.wrongFlavor {
print("Sorry, but we don't carry albatross flavor")
} catch BakeryError.tooFew {
print("Sorry, we don't have enough albatross to fulfill your order")

