
作者: 兰舟酱 | 来源:发表于2015-12-10 20:06 被阅读131次

    Happiness is a decision, not a feeling.

    I have decided to be a happy person in my life, from now on, in the years to come.

    I here declare to the world, well, let's just say to all the readers of this article: I will be happy, I believe that I can be happy.

    I will seek the meaning of true happiness, if money means happiness to me, then I will pursue money. If a successful career means happiness to me, then I will work hard, 10 times harder than today. If love means happiness, then I will do what ever I can to love and to be loved.

    I am still young. The road is still long for me and I will keep going.

    I will accept the fact that I can not control my memory. Sadly, many things are still haunting me, however, I can choose to ignore them, try my best to focus on what is most important right now.

    I will read, I will do my research, I will find happiness from what I can achieve rather than cry over spilled milk.

    I will share my thoughts on Lang-8 in the future.



      • 二十五岁的老奶奶:我发现这里有很多英语学习方法的文,不过全英写作的很少(写得好的就更少了),令人怀疑那些获赞无数的所谓大神水平到底如何 :sweat_smile:

