京东:公司注册资金50万以上!公司注册时间在2年以上(若不符合条件,则保证金3万) 京东合作模式为SOP (即商家自己发货模式)
SOP模式商家仅需要给顾客提供普通发票(可以不是一般纳税人)。 京东目前合作的账期为月结,后期将陆续开放T+1结算,实销实结。

天猫:1. 天猫有权根据包括但不仅限于品牌需求、公司经营状况、服务水平等其他因素退回客户申请;同时天猫有权在申请入驻及后续经营阶段要求客户提供其他资质;天猫将结合各行业发展动态、国家相关规定及消费者购买需求,不定期更新招商标准。 2.
请务必确保您申请入驻及后续经营阶段提供的相关资质的真实性(若您提供的相关资质为第三方提供,如商标注册证、授权书等,请务必先行核实文件的真实有效性),一旦发现虚假资质,您的公司将被列入非诚信客户名单,天猫将不再与您进行合作。 3. 天猫暂不接受个体工商户的入驻申请,也不接受非中国大陆企业的入驻申请。
1:Business-to-business (B2B or, in some countries, BtoB) refers to a situation where one business makes a commercial transaction with another. This typically occurs when:
A business is sourcing materials for their production process (e.g. a food manufacturer purchasing salt).
A business needs the services of another for operational reasons (e.g. a food manufacturer employing an accountancy firm to audit their finances).
A business re-sells goods and services produced by others (e.g. a retailer buying the end product from the food manufacturer).
B2B is often contrasted with business-to-consumer (B2C). In B2B commerce, it is often the case that the parties to the relationship have comparable negotiating power, and even when they do not, each party typically involves professional staff and legal counsel in the negotiation of terms, whereas B2C is shaped to a far greater degree by economic implications of information asymmetry. However, within a B2B context, large companies may have many commercial, resource and information advantages over smaller businesses. The United Kingdom government, for example, created the post of Small Business Commissioner under the Enterprise Act 2016 to "enable small businesses to resolve disputes" and "consider complaints by small business suppliers about payment issues with larger businesses that they supply".
2:Business-To-Consumer. A transaction that occurs between a company and a consumer, as opposed to a transaction between companies (called B2B). The term may also describe a company that provides goods or services for consumers.
3:c2c[1] is an English train operating company owned by Trenitalia. It manages 25 stations and its trains call at 28. Originally trading as LTS Rail under Prism Rail ownership, it has operated the London, Tilbury & Southend and replacement Essex Thameside franchises since May 1996.
nnovate E-Commerce is a global provider of business to business E-Commerce solutions. Our outsourcing operations are the gateway for our clients, opening up new possibilities within the supply chain through an efficient and reliable partnership. The experts at Innovate E-Commerce are committed to improving companies’ capabilities by coordinating their B2B activities across various levels of the supply chain, handling the difficulties, reducing costs and increasing productivity for our clients with a technical infrastructure that includes dependable hosted integration services in conjunction with visible transactions, data translations, and superb reporting capacities. The top-notch customer service provided by our staff reassures our clients that their project and trading partner management is in safe hands, which frees up their time to focus on vital business goals and concepts.