造句:It is the women who should sacrifice for the family, which still remains a norm.
1)ADJ+norm accepted/estalished norm 接受的/公认的规范 V+the norm ...
1.verb+adj+norm: conform to+accepted/established norm of ...
搭配:参考朗文;be the norm; become the norm; social norms; cultu...
1. 常见搭配: be/become the norm 成为标准 above/below the norm 高于/...
Batch Norm 拟合进神经网络(Fitting Batch Norm into a neural netwo...
模 norms包含多重含义L-0 norm: 查向量中的非零数L-1 norm: 曼哈顿距离L-2 norm: 欧...
1. torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(parameters, max_norm, n...
norm:the usual or normal situation, way of doing sth 常态,...
1,搭配 2,翻译 People with creative minds Creative minds tend...
有创造力的人往往会挑战,甚至偏离常规,而不是固守常规。(翻译时建议参考《牛津英语搭配词典》) Creative m...