Just do this one simple exercise, if you do this, you will live a worthwhile life, believe me.
If you sleep in that condition, you will wake up with much more light, with much more energy.
#1 Don’t “Head North”头不要向北
Sadhguru: Generally, in India, they told you, you should not put your head to the north and sleep. You're aware of this?
Participants: Yes.
Sadhguru: If you put your head to the north and sleep, during the night when you... when you're in horizontal positions, then slowly the blood will get pulled towards your brain. When there's too much circulation in the brain, you cannot sleep peacefully. If you have any kind of, you know, inherently weak aspects in your brain or if you're of old age, you could die in your sleep. One can have hemorrhage because extra blood is trying to enter the brain where the blood vessels are hair-like, something extra is being pushed because of the magnetic pull. When you're in a vertical position, this is not so. The moment you become horizontal, this pull on the head is so strong that slowly the blood tries to move towards the brain. So to avoid this, this is true only in the Northern Hemisphere. If you go to Australia, you should not put your head to the south. If you're in India, you should not put your head to the north. You can put it any other way, it's okay.
#2 Time Is Running Out! 记得时日无多
Sadhguru: Keep this in your mind that you are truly a mortal. Okay? Not in words. Really, you could fall dead right now. You may be young, you may be old, it doesn't matter, you can fall dead right now. Yes or no? Before you go to bed, sit on your bed and think this is your deathbed. You have just one more minute to live. Just look back and see what you have done today, is it worthwhile? Just do this one simple exercise. And you don't know when it really happens, whether you'll be sitting on your deathbed or lying in a hospital, all kinds of things sticking into you, who knows how it will happen, but enjoy this every day that you will sit on your deathbed, look back and see today, the way I've handled these twenty-four hours, is it worthwhile, because now I'm dying. If you do this, you will live a worthwhile life, believe me.
#3 Keeping Things Aside 把一切抛开
Sadhguru: So every day in the night, all of you should do this, before you go to bed. Last three minutes, everything that you have gathered, the body, the content of the mind, things, don't ignore small things, these small things are big things. I've seen how people are carrying their own private pillow you know, (Laughter) because it's very important. So your pillow, your footwear, if you have relationships, everything that you have gathered, keep it aside. Sleep. If you sleep in that condition, you will wake up with much more light, with much more energy, with much more possibilities than you have imagined possible. Just sleep as life, not as a man or a woman, not as this and that. Keep everything down, simply. See, this is getting too easy, just sleeping sadhana (Laughter), at least this you must do.