

作者: 安逸YY | 来源:发表于2019-02-18 22:32 被阅读0次

    There’s no point in doing sth. 做某事没有意义

    ❖ There is no point in locking the barn door now that the horse has been stolen. 既然马都丢了,现在锁上马厩的门也没什么意义。

    ❖ There’s no point in crying over spilled milk.为打翻的牛奶哭泣毫无意义。

    Meaning n. 含义

    ❖ Words often have several meanings.词一般都会有好几种含义。

    ❖ The meaning of his gesture was clear.他手势的含义很清楚。

    Be meant to do sth 应该要是,被期望是

    ❖ I can't say any more, it's meant to be a big secret.我不能再多说了,这应该得是个秘密来着。

    ❖ Fairy tales weren't just meant for children.童话故事不应该只是给小孩看的。

    Beside the point 离题的,不相关的

    ❖ Your weekend plans are beside the point—let’s get back to the topic at hand.你周末的计划离题了。我们先说手边这个事吧。

    To the point 切中要点的,切题的

    ❖ The speech was short and to the point.演讲简洁而又切题。

    Floating on air 非常开心(在空气里漂浮)

    ❖ I won the lottery!I am floating on air now!我中彩票啦!我太开心了!

    Be on cloud nine 异常兴奋

    ❖ Ever since Mary got her promotion at work, she's been on cloud nine. I don't think I've ever seen her happier!自从Mary升职之后,Mary就开心的要死。我从没见过她这么开心。

    Be over the moon开心死了

    ❖ I've been over the moon ever since I got engaged—I just can't stop looking at my ring!自从我订婚后我就一直开心得要死。不停地看我的婚戒。

    Thrilled adj.很开心的

    ❖ She’s got a new boyfriend! She’s so thrilled.她找了个新男朋友。开心死了。

    Delighted adj. 很开心的

    ❖ Pat was delighted with her new house.Pat买了新房子,很开心!

    Ecstatic /ɪkˈstætɪk/ adj. 欣喜若狂的

    ❖ His wife gave birth to their first child, and he was ecstatic about it.他老婆给他生了第一个孩子,他欣喜若狂。

    Just my luck!真倒霉!

    ❖ They sold the last ticket five minutes before I got there - just my luck!在我到那的5分钟前他们卖掉了最后一张票——真倒霉!

    Beginner's luck新手的好运气

    ❖ When I won the first contest I entered, he put it down to beginner's luck.我第一次参加比赛就获胜了,而他竟认为这是新手的好运气。

    As luck would have it碰巧,幸好

    ❖ We ran out of gas on the way home, but as luck would have it, we were very near a gas station.我们在回家的路上汽油用光了,幸好当时离加油站不远。

    Your luck's in!你要走桃花运了!

    ❖ He's been looking at you all evening - I think your luck's in, Cath.他一晚上都在看你——我觉得你要走桃花运了,凯思。

    Pot luck碰巧得到的东西

    ❖ We had no idea which hotel would be best, so we just took pot luck with the first one on the list.我们也不知道哪家旅馆最好,所以就碰运气挑了名单上的第一家。



